Ever since I got my new phone in November I've become slightly obsessed with the In.stagram app. If you don't have it on your phone. Download it. Now. I'll wait. Once you have the app, you can find all your friends and see their pictures. It's like FB. Only better. Pictures only. Me gusto mucho.
Last month I participated in a photo a month challenge. Felt like it was a scavenger hunt every day, trying to find the perfect photo to snap in my daily life. Was fun. I'm attempting it again this month, but have lost track a few days. Life happens. Here's March in photos:
Day 1: Up. We do airplanes in our house. Often.
Day 2: Fruit. The best way to have it. With dessert.
Day 3: Bedside. Lots of reading, pics, and a print from France. My college cycling coach brought it back for me.
Day 4: My neighborhood. As Meggie would say, "We'll leave a light on."
Day 5: 5 pm. The girls and I were rocking to some Tayl.or Swift on the way home from school. Dance parties in the car with the windows rolled down. Because we can.
Day 6: A smile. Nuff said.
Day 7: Something I wore. Go Hoosiers. And 4 year olds brushing their teeth independently.
Day 8: Window. Hello Katie Monster.
Day 9: Something red. Nana gave me this chair from her house a few years ago. Treasure.
Day 10: Loud. Big 10 Tourney with the Funsters. Can't say I paid much attention to the game as I was busy catching up with my girls.
Day 11: Someone you talked to. Bob. Otherwise known as Bob Villa or Bobo.
Day 12: Fork. Eating a quick snack of egg salad. Mike gets on a kick every few weeks and hard boils eggs. We then eat eggs for days.
Day 13: Clouds. This day was so beautiful that there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Only cloud I could find was in this picture of Izzalicious. Love her squished nose. Little snickapaka.
Day 14: Your car. Love my Saab. Been driving them since 2000. This is my third. Crashed the first. Sold the second when I got a car while pushing drugs (legally, obv). Some reason this one stuck. I'm a marathoning Hoosier.
Day 15: A poster. This was plastered all over my office last year when I was promoting Back on my F.eet. I stole one and it now resides in my cube.
Day 16: Sunglasses. We didn't have any kid sunnies so Bug had to borrow mine.
Day 17: Green.
Day 18: Corner of your home. My fave built-ins in the house. Custom corner armoire. Using the same carpenter for our new house, too.
Day 19: Funny. Typical Laney fashion...always looking for a laugh.
Day 20: Before and after. Dirty. Clean. Happy. Sad. My sentiments exactly, Bug.
Day 21: Delicious. My nightly snack.
Day 22: Kitchen sink. Oh, how I love thee large, single bowl sink. Best thing that ever happened to washing dishes. Next to the dishwasher of course.
Day 23: Moon. Baby gift from Brenna.
Day 25: Breakfast. We call Laney the Swiper around here. Whenever we are eating, she pops up and wants to swipe some. Swiper, no swiping. Oh man.
Day 26: Key. It's the only one I own. Swear.
Day 27: Your name. Anniversary gift a few years back. Pronounced: mik-kull-uck.
Day 28: Trash. Only my Nana & Grandfather could appreciate this: crusts taken off my sandwich. I'll never grow up.
Day 29: Feet. How I love working at an athletic retailer. Shoes as far as the eye can see. And casual attire. Every day.
Day 30: Toy. On our way to gymnastics Izzy saw a blonde woman in a car next to us and announced, "Mommy, look! It's Jen Jen!" I said no, Jenny lives in Chicago. To which Izzy replied, "But she has long lellow (yellow) hair." Not so much. So we snapped this picture to send to Jen Jen.
Day 31: Where I relax. We had just arrived to the beach. Vacation had officially started. Grandparents playing with the girls in the ocean (background), beer in my hand, smile on my face.