We have officially become THAT house...we vowed we would never let it happen. We even had extra storage built into our entertainment center and built-ins in our basement for this very reason. We now have FOUR very colorful, music-making, bulky toys in our living room. Sigh. We have to walk around them, as we can't go over them, we can't go under them (can you tell what our recent favorite book is?!?!) to walk through the room. But what FUN these toys bring to our Izzy girl!!!
Mike pulled the Exer-Saucer out from the basement this past weekend in anticipation for our Florida trip. Our friends we are going down there with (Court & Ryan) said there is an exer-saucer at the house for Izzy...this motivated us to break ours out for a test spin. She loves it! The toys, the 360 degree views, the upright position...so much fun for her (and it gives us yet another option to entertain her)!
Isn't it crazy how much stuff these little munchkins accumulate in such a short amount of time? I like your new background on the blog. Kim VG
Love the new blog design! You'll have to share your tricks with me! I want ours to look snazzy, too. How's the search going?
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