Changes to Izzy's current lifestyle include: starting rice cereal tomorrow morning, no more swaddling for naps and nighttime, and we are to let her cry at night if she wakes (i.e. no more middle of the night feedings or nuking)! We tried this last one last night...she woke at 4am and we let her cry herself back to sleep. Now that I know the pillow over my head drowns her cries out, I can move forward. Plus, they say it only takes 3-5 days of this behavior until she will learn to just stay asleep. We'll see. I feel bad for my in-laws that are staying overnight tomorrow while Mike and I go to a wine and cheese party. Maybe I should tell them to pack ear plugs!
Izzy's 4 Month Stats:
Weight 14 lb. 11 oz. - 75% percentile
Height 25" - 75% percentile
Head 41.5 cm - 75% percentile
Looks like we have a chunky monkey!!!
It is so hard to let them cry themselves back to sleep, but it is one of the best things I ever did with Lucy. She really is too cute. I wish our pediatrician spent that much time with us-sounds like you have a good one. Kim VG
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