The weather has warmed up & we have been spending a lot of time outside these days! Over the weekend, Mike put in several trees in our backyard & worked on the landscaping. We girls stretched out on blankets to play & watch daddy dig. Izzy really enjoyed the grass and all the noises of the great outdoors (birds, planes, etc.).
We've also spent some quality time in the jogger these days. Izzy can no longer withstand our long runs on the Monon. Anything over 7 miles and she is BORED. In fact, the last time we took her with us, she screamed the last 4 miles. We received many looks from others on the trail (you could tell which looks came from other sympathizing parents...and others who were not parents-judging). So now we take turns doing our long as not to torture Izzy for hours on end. She enjoys her slow strolls through the neighborhood. Last night I had to keep walking for over an hour, as Izzy fell asleep (and we know if we stop, she wakes up). I kept waiving to the same neighbors over and over...wondering when Iz would waken. I eventually got out my cell phone and caught up on some phone calls while girl slept. The things we parents do for a good nap!
New things in Izzy's life: she has mastered sitting up, she rolls in her sleep (sometimes she wakes up like a beached whale - unsure of how or why she got on her tum, but most times she sleeps solidly no matter what side she is on), she sleeps up to 13 hours a night, and finally (my personal favorite) she has taken to long giggling fits. She will throw herself back (see pic above) and laugh hysterically. Or she will watch one of the dogs and laugh for minutes on end at the chosen pooch. She doesn't even need an audience - we could be in a different room and she will bust out laughing...and laughing...and laughing. It's really a sight. One of my favorite sounds in the world!
ps-We Hoosiers got rocked with an EARTHQUAKE last week!!! It was a 5.2 on the Richter scale...which is quite big. Who knew Indiana was on a fault line? It happened at 5:40am and every single person/animal in our house SLEPT right through it. It's funny, b/c every single person I know in Indy was woken by a shaking bed, thoughts the world was ending, or they were being robbed. But the McCulloch household slept through the quake. I felt an aftershock...but that's about it. What a bummer.
It is amazing how tired we all get. We're hoping we stay sleeping thru the thunder.
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