It seems our little Izzy has become a big girl...almost overnight! As soon as she was crawling (on her hands and not her forearms), she started pulling up. As soon as she pulled up, she started cruising. As soon as she cruised, she wanted to WALK. She is into and ON everything. And we have to's so much fun chasing her and seeing what she is discovering!! From playing in the dogs' water bowl, to playing peek-a-boo behind the's all new and fun to Iz...and to us. She's quite the toddler.
Izzy started her new school today...and she did wonderfully! Mike did the drop-off and said she was a bit leary at first and then soon joined the kiddos to play and eat her snack (at a big kid's table in a big kid's chair, no less). Mike snuck out while Iz was pushing a cart with one of her new Stride Rites in it :) I called around 1-ish and the teacher said she was playing and laughing all morning. And she just so happened to be sleeping on a COT as we were speaking. Is our little girl 4 years old or what?! Her daily report said they spent time outside playing...Izzy pushing a cart and walking. They also practiced holding a paint brush and crayons...I can hardly stand it. She has transitioned beautifully! I'm amazed at our little girl...she's so resilliant!!!
I can't stand how frickin cute Izzy is! I love that she is flexible like her mommy. :) The picture of her and Mike napping looks like it's from a magazine. They are super models.
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