Aunt Sharla, Uncle Scott and Aunt Andrea
Grandma Berger
Uncle Scott reading to Izzy...which she loved!!!
Trying out her first pickle...
And trying her first apple...which she LOVED (see carcass below)
Yesterday we drove up to Ft. Wayne to celebrate an early Thanksgiving with Mike's mom and step dad's family. The food was delicious and simply being with family was so much fun. We played cards until late hours and stayed up chatting even longer! Izzy experienced some new foods: mashed potatoes (which she did not care for-must be the texture), pickles (another one she didn't like), mandarin oranges (she devoured and we have seen remnants ALL DAY) and apples. Izzy loved the apple and would scream if you took it away from her. She also said a new word today: APPLE. I cried.
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