Daddy decorating...Baxter and Izzy "helping"
Izzy found it fun to climb on the tubs
Waking up Sunday morning to SNOW!!!
This weekend we pulled out all the holiday decor from storage and trimmed the whole house - Christmas style. Our 9 foot tree is lit with over 1,000 lights and there are 4 other trees around the house, one being in Izzy Lou's room (thank you Jenny!!!). Izzy hasn't shown much interest in the tree or its ornaments, which surprises us as last year she spent a lot of time UNDER the tree looking up at the lights. Mike was also able to get her to stop fussing last year by showing her all the ornaments and lights on the tree. This year her stacking boxes and books overrule all things Christmas. This may be her last Christmas where she shows no interest...once she realizes what those packages are under the tree - it'll all be over. Happy Holidays!
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