This weekend we were planning on heading up north to the lake; however, after not having been home last weekend and we will be out of town next weekend...we decided we should stay home to get organized. My nesting instincts have kicked into overdrive, feeling like I need to get everything on my checklist done asap. I had laundry to do. A house to clean. A VERY messy/disorganized closet to clean in order to move Izzy into her "big girl" bedroom in a few weeks. And errands upon errands to get done around town. I did zero napping this weekend in order to get all of these things done. And it feels good.
We were able to steal away a few hours to head to the pool...Izzy needed to get her sillies out. You can see below that she has taken to swinging on the pool toys. Between that and the water slide, she had a blast!
**Between our many errands around town, we were able to head to the Carmel Farmer's Market...YUMMY! Cannot wait for the sweet corn to be in-season next month! Also, Izzy & I stopped by the library to get some books for my excursion next weekend (stay tuned for those details!) and Izzy some new books around the house. The librarians all commented on how well behaved Izzy was at the library. Said they know I must read to her b/c she'd follow me from section to section with her books, sit down and read out loud to herself while I was searching. I'm glad I've instilled a love for books in her!**
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