This weekend marks the final 3 week countdown until baby Mac #2 gets here (whom still remains unnamed). I've been having ants in my pants to get out of town and visit girlfriends in Chicago; however, doctors orders that I can't travel much further than 2-3 hours by car. So I had to settle for yet another weekend at home in Indy. And this weekend did not disappoint. We actually had one of the most enjoyable weekends of the summer, yet it was quite uneventful.
On a side note, we have been spending a lot of time using our new webcam this week. I bought one for my mom's birthday and we have tried to talk to her on it nearly every night this past week. Izzy will play dress-up or show her toys and we have even had a "dinner date" with my mom and Izzy in her high chair. We've become huge fans of the webcam and are so excited to have it, we'll even bring it with us to the hospital so my mom can meet baby #2 once we're in recovery. Mike's dad and step-mom have also started webcam-ing with us. Izzy absolutely loves it and I'd highly suggest this to anyone who has family out of town. I can't believe we haven't tried this before now!
Also, Izzy has officially peed on the potty TWICE this week. A few days ago it was just a little dribble. I cried. Didn't know if it was a fluke or not. But we both sit on our potties and read daddy's "books" (read: magazines). Tonight we sat, and sat, and sat until Izzy stood up and pointed. TA-DA! Lots of potty inside and lots of squealing ensued. She was so proud of herself and so were we! Guess it's time for some big girl undies. So exciting.
We three hit up the pool all three days this weekend, as the weather was the hottest we've had summer-to-date! Jaime and Luke joined us on Saturday:
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