Friday we took a two hour long trip to the Pediatrician for Izzy's 2 year check-up and Delaney's 2 month check-up. Izzy was a star patient, as she was showing off all her tricks (downward dog, singing the ABC's, dancing, et al) and sat still for all the poking and prodding that comes with the check-ups. She is in picture perfect health:
Height: 32.5 inches 10-25%
Weight: 25.5 lbs 25-50%
Head: 48.5 cm 75-90%*
*Can you believe the girl can hold up her head with those percentiles?!*
The Pediatrician said this was the last time they'd be measuring her head, as the skull bones have 100% fused together by now. We were happy to hear this, as we KNOW her head is big on the charts...we're ready to move on :)
As for Delaney's check-up, we learned a great deal about her from this visit. We thought she had been battling a cold the last 2+ weeks, as she has some gurgly breathing and a cough. Turns out this gurgling is really food coming back up her throat and the cough is to try to clear the food from her throat. Poor girl. This is called "silent reflux" and we're now treating it with Pri.losec. Also, we learned that her irritable & fussy behavior all day long is due to the fact that she is TERRIBLY gassy. The doc listened to her belly and said there were LOTS of bubbles trapped in there. Poor girl. We now us Myl.econ before EVERY feeding and she is a brand new baby. Swear to you that she is 95% less fussy now. Mike and I are relieved and getting more rest just in the last 2 days...let's hope this lasts! On a down side, she has YET to take a bottle from either of us. We've tried numerous different brands and techniques, to no avail. I am getting nervous about returning to work, as the nanny will have a rough go at it to get her to take a bottle. If anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them. Otherwise, she is in great health as well:
Height: 22 inches 25-50%
Weight: 10 lbs 9 oz 50%
Head: 39.25 cm 50%
Please note that Delaney's head is in the AVERAGE/NORMAL percentile. Phew.
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