Sunday, March 28, 2010

7 months, Gymnastics & Golf...

This weekend was a bit COLD and I'm posting a picture of Delaney from last weekend, when it was WARM and SUNNY. Delaney turned 7 months old yesterday and I feel we've really turned a corner in the last month or two: two teeth are fully in, sleeps 12 hours straight (and for a special treat she goes back down for another two hours after a quick feeding), she eats 3 "meals" a day (baby food), and is near crawling. Laney has also started to be VERY social and interactive with her big sis...which is fun to watch the two of them laugh at each other and start to "play" together.
Bug riding in front...she gets this view often, as it's the easiest way to carry her
Um, let's just say this was provoked by daddy
I have been in search of a swimming or ballet or gymnastics class in the evenings for Izzy for months now. Been frustrated b/c every place I look only offers one evening class a week (if ANY!). I was getting super frustrated with the fact that every community or sports center scheduled toddler classes during the day (do they think every Carmel mom stays home?!), so I posted about it on Facebook. Turns out a gal I was on gymnastics team with in High School lives very near me (small world) and said she takes her son to a place nearby (that I had never heard of). I checked it out online and they offered MULTIPLE evening classes. I. Was. Thrilled. We started this week in a Tiny Tot gymnastics class and Izzy girl LOVED it! After every trick Izzy would do she'd turn around to me and give me her excited face. It was adorable to watch her confidence grow. After the class the instructor came directly towards me and told me that Izzy was their newest student (the class had been in session for 5 weeks already when we joined) but yet their BEST listener. I'm so proud.
Her first go at the balance beam. I'm hoping this is going to be her favorite event, as it was mine
Here is a video of her on the beam rotation:

Saturday was sunny and beautiful, but a tad chilly. Izzy spent the majority of the day in the backyard playing. Daddy put up a tree swing, so that kept her busy...and happy.
Saturday Mike went on a long run (we have to take turns these days going out for our runs) and I had asked Izzy to stay put watching a movie while I put Delaney down. I came downstairs to find Izzy watching her Laney's exersaucer. And she was STUCK. Both feet in one foot hole. Nice.
Mike bought Izzy her first set of golf clubs. They hit a few balls. And then it lost its luster. Izzy was more interested in holding every club and walking around the yard with them. Ha!
ps-I finally figured out how to get the video from YGG Live uploaded on my blog (before it was just a link...two posts back). You should really check it out, it was great! Plus, there's a little of Izzy watching him on there, too. Enjoy!