Sunday, June 27, 2010

Delaney is 10 months old!!!

Delaney is 10 months old today and growing before our eyes! She's no longer happy with just crawling. Rather, she wants to cruise and walk (assisted) all the time like her big sis. She's starting to stand unassisted on her own...she just hasn't gotten herself TO the standing position from all fours. I bet by 12 months she's walking, but who knows. She's 100% weaned from both me and bottles. As soon as I weaned her, she also gave up bottles. So Delaney drinks from a sippy full time. She's a girl who is determined and knows what she wants...and a bottle is NOT what she wants. She also is doing lots of talking and mimicking our sounds. My mom got her to start waving when we say hi or bye. And she eats everything we eat...and LOTS of it. Laney Bug still naps 2-3 times a day and sleeps for 12 hours at a time at night. She also loves to wrestle her big sis and often times instigates the wrestling. Oh, and she always wins :)
So big!


The Pelligrini Family said...

Kelly they are beautiful! Thanks for keeping this up and sharing!