Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July with the Tynans

Sunday morning we headed to Lake Tippy to do our annual 4th of July visit with the Tynans. I don't think we were there for more than 2 minutes before we got into our swimsuits and were in the water! We joined Aunt Nance, Big Joe, Andrew/Suzanne/Max, and Sam/Bridget/Luke/Maggie/Grace for lots and lots of festivities.
Izzy experienced her first water balloon (among many over the course of 48 hours). Do you not just LOVE Izzy's face? She is quite the drama queen and has hilarious facial expressions.
Laney Bug & mommy
Maggie & Grace putting on a dance recital
After dinner
Izzy experienced her first sparkler...
...and was simply enamored
Daddy & Izzy watching fireworks
The neighbors put up a huge jumbo-tron and play music videos...Izzy & Mags danced the night away
The crowd watching, complete with light-up cups
Izzy & Grace watching (and tuckered out - it was past 10 when they finally went to bed!)
We did lots of jumping
And the 4th wouldn't be complete without the putt-putt out back
Daddy just got back from playing 18 holes and then taught Izzy how to putt
Izzy also got to experience tubing for the very first time!
She loved everything except the sun in her eyes! She's such a big girl!
Enjoying a cold treat
Bathing in the lake
Heading in for a 4 hour nap!!! Love the lake, as it wears her out! PS-Another first for Izzy girl is that she slept in the kids' cold dorm on the bottom bunk! Again, BIG GIRL!
After naps and before dinner the kids watched Toy Story 2 on the big projection screen
Aunt Nance organized an impromptu parade after dinner...singing happy birthday to USA complete with flags
Of course more jumping!
How I miss this girl!!!!! Love her.
Sunday morning TURTLE HUNTING!!!
Izzy & Gracie girl on the lookout
Big Joe caught two!
Izzy posing with "Hairy" the turtle
Big Joe doing what he does best...snuggling with the babes
And we capped the 5 day vaca off with a pinata. Another first for Izzy (she's the one with the bat). I must say we had an absolute blast with the Tynans. Loved visiting and catching up. But loved even more watching our kids play together and become buddies. Wish this could have lasted another few days, but there's always next year! Happy 4th of July everyone!


Corey said...

Hi Kelly!
I started following after you wrote such a sweet comment on my blog! SO SO nice to hear that other moms can relate! I just have to say your family is absolutely gorgeous! LOVE the naked butt shot of izzy (or at least I think it's her), precious. Totally up for being pretend bff's, sounds like we have a lot in common! --Corey