Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Sorry I've been absent in the blog-o-sphere; we've been busy traveling the Midwest to visit our families and celebrate the season.

I couldn't send cards to everyone that reads this blog, so here is our holiday card (love Laney's tongue sticking out). I probably won't be able to get around to posting pics of the last week for another week or so, as I still have family in town. Priorities. You know, like unloading a car full of presents only realizing there is no where to put them. Organizing to be done. Crafts to make. Baking to do. Pictures to take. Dress up and dance parties to be had.

Hope everyone had a relaxing holiday and have a great time ringing in the New Year.

I'll be having a dance party of my own. But I won't be wearing a tutu and cowboy hat at my party. Getting fancy. Can't wait!


Corey said...

Happy new year! hope you guys are having a fabulous week! I am sure we will be drinking bubbly at the same tim e:) xoxo