Sunday, March 13, 2011

Beer Brewin' & Black Olives

We weren't up to much this weekend. It's almost not even blog-worthy. But this is what I do. I take note. I record. I snap pictures constantly. Of nothing. Of everything.
Typical Izzy: dressing up & layering upon layers of costume.
Mike & his best friend Jason bought a beer-making kit and have been working hard on their first 5 gallon brew. They spent over 4 hours the other night working on their first batch (and watching the informational how-to while drinking beers & boiling water). Just thought you'd like to know what Mike's been up to, as his personal life rarely makes it to this blog.
Saturday morning I went out for a warm 8 mile run. I was dressed for the 20's and the weather delivered 50's. Needless to say I was warm. A drastic swing from last week's sopping wet run. I am not a fast runner. I am not even a good runner. I never win. And I never will. But I was reminded why I run when a man was running the opposite direction on the Mon.on at a fast clip with one of those spring-like prosthetic legs. Put my pain into persepctive and reminded me that I run because I can. And so can you. Just sayin'.
Friday night I went over to Lori's to craft a few handmade stamps:
Today both girls took 3 hour naps. Must have been the time change. Or the fact that our summer nanny (aka the summer girl) came over for a playdate this morning and wore them out. Either way, I'll take the 3 hours.
Black olives are always a hit around our house.
And tonight the neighbors came over for a delicious dinner made by Mikey: spicy seafood pasta (aka Misto Mar or Seafood Diablo). YUM. We got all caught up on this guy:
Nothing too exciting. Just a typical weekend around these parts. Two week countdown to Florida. Bring. It. On.