My sister and her kids, Taylor & Dylan, came down for Easter weekend. It was quite uneventful, but that's just how we like it! We watched Izzy show off, played lots of Mexican Train Dominos and baked Nana's famous apple pie. Yummy! Sunday morning was quite a treat, not only did Mike surprise us all with an Easter egg hunt...but the kids joined Mike and I for our long run on the Monon! Dylan rollerbladed and went to the skate park at Monon Center while Taylor walked Izzy in the jogger so Mike and I could run HANDS FREE! It was quite a treat! It was so much fun to have my sister and the kids here for Easter!
Unfortunately, Izzy has come down with her first fever and cold :( She started coughing Monday morning. Tuesday she continued the cough and then started gagging on her sinus drainage. And this morning she gagged herself so badly that she vomitted - quite scary at 5am!!! We went to the pediatrician this afternoon and turns out Izzy has her first ear infection - poor girl. Hopefully the amoxicillin will take care of that and her nasty cough. Fortunately, she is still sleeping long through the night. Phew!
Mike's mom, Cathy, came down Tuesday and Wednesday to help us out around the house and with Izzy. She was a God-send...taking care of our sick Izzy & cleaning the house/doing chores & simply loving on our little girl when she needed it most. I just cannot thank her enough!
Sorry there aren't more's quite out of character for me NOT to have more. But I suppose I was just enjoying the moments with my family. That...and I am sick now, too!
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