Izzy's shirt says 'Mommy's Good Luck Charm'
Today is also Katie Monster's 7th Birthday.
Big day in the McCulloch household: We visited our first daycare (!!) and started weaning one of Izzy's daytime nursing sessions. I don't really want to pump three times a day when I return to work...not so fun at a new job. I am giving myself 15 days to wean 3 daytime nursing times...and Izzy took her first bottle (frozen milk for now - slowly adding formula) today like a champ! I was very nervous...but she did great. Now how I handle the missed nursing will be another story. I thought about drinking a beer to help with the oncoming pain/discomfort, but my girlfriend told me the barley helps the milk come in. Guess I won't be doing that! So it's either shots of vodka or ibuprofen :) Wish us luck.
The daycare visit wasn't as bad as I anticipated, either. No tears out of me (so far)! One visit down, three to go. We're hoping to make our decision by Friday. It makes me feel a lot better now that I can see what she will be doing on a daily basis and who will be handling her. Plus, she's almost 6 months old....it's not like she'll be 6 weeks. A very good friend keeps telling me babies are very resilient and will deal much better with the change than the mommies. And my mom keeps telling me - this too shall pass. These next few weeks will be quite transitional for us all (sigh).
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