Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pre-school, Exer-Saucer & a Haircut!

Last week was Izzy's pre-school holiday program. We practiced her songs and hand motions (including Away in a Manger, Happy Birthday to Jesus, etc.) for weeks before in preparation, only for the program to begin with a bunch of 2 year olds watching their teacher sing. It was quite funny...I think the kids were just more excited that all their parents were in the room watching them. Regardless, it was fun to see Izzy in her element. She did finally warm up and sang a bit louder than the rest of the crew...she even got a few laughs from the parents for her animation and enthusiasm. She didn't disappoint, that's for sure!
Daddy and Delaney
Snack time!
Mommy and a laughing Delaney
This week will mark Delaney's 4 month birthday...cannot BELIEVE she is 4 months old already. Sometimes I feel like time is standing still (from weeks 6-10 when her colic was in full-force) and other times I feel like time is flying and she'll be crawling before we know it! We had her 4 month pediatrician appointment last week and her stats were: Height 24 1/4 inches (50% percentile), Weight 12 pounds 14 ounces (25-50% percentile) and Head 41 cm (50% percentile). Again, Mike and I were thrilled to hear her head was in the normal percentages. The doctor was very happy with her growth and progress and was impressed by Delaney's strength (she has been sitting up/holding her head up for 2 months and can also push her head and chest up off the floor while on her tummy). With this news, we decided to pull out the exer-saucer to see if she was strong enough for this next developmental stage:
...and of course she LOVED it!
Her feet don't touch, so a little towel helps her maneuver round & round and standing up
She loves that she can get a 360 degree view of what is going on around her & play with her big sister. This afternoon she spent the better portion of an hour talking, gabbing, cooing, and belly laughing. I really think this new toy of hers has made her more social and happy. We love discovering her little personality!
This morning we decided it was time for Izzy to get a REAL haircut to take off a few inches...a little something new for the holiday. She is a big-time hair-twirler and sometimes she twirls her hair into knots; we've had to cut a few of these knots out. Her hair is also very thin (sorry to pass that gene onto her!) and therefore gets tangled often. It was just time. Izzy was thrilled to arrive to Cookie Cutters to find an indoor playground and a full library of movies to choose from. She's been asking to see Finding Nemo since we left it at Grandma & Grandpa's house at she was happy to see it was a selection.
Izzy loved that she got to sit in a race car and watch her movie, she almost didn't even notice she was getting her hair cut!
To show you how long it was in the beginning...
...and how short it was afterwards!
It's now chin-length and SUPER adorable. During bath time tonight, Mike even commented on how easy it was to wash and how it didn't tangle. It really makes her look older...and makes her cheeks look even more chubby (I like to call them full) than before!