Saturday, February 4, 2012

Princess Playdate...

We've had a few play dates with Izzy's buddy from school, Maggie, in the last week. I think Izzy loves that someone will play princess dress-up and tea parties with her besides her sister. She has a ton of little boy friends (Luke & Sam being her favorites) and she talks about them all the time. But sometimes super heroes and princesses need to play with their own kind :)
 For example, we did princess manicures, had a princess tea party, then watched a princess movie after dinner. We introduced Maggie to our favorite dinner game: funny faces! (Do you love Elvis in the background?!)
 The girls even let little Laney Bug hang out with them when she got home from school
 And last weekend we met Maggie and her family at the pool for some swimming

 The girls went around this whirl pool probably over 25 times...the water pushes them around and they just giggle the entire time (notice them holding princess mermaids).
 Daddy and Laney watched the girls go round and round

Just happy to know there are other little girls out there that are just as obsessed with princesses as Izzy is. Disne.y is going to rock her world!