Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas 2010

This year's Christmas break was quite a whirlwind for us, as we traveled through the Midwest over the course of 6 days visiting our families (and bringing some back with us, too). We celebrated our own little Christmas morning on Thursday at our house opening stockings and presents. We slowly packed up our bags and the car for the long journey. Thursday afternoon we arrived at Mike's dad's house to see this surprise:

A doll house restored by Grandma Laura & Grandpa Bob (it was Sister Sarah's when she was little and now it's going to get a second life with all the little girls in the family).

Izzy loved it. We headed to Mike's mom's house Friday morning and then went to Christmas Eve service at a local church. Bringing two little girls with ants in their pants to a church service is NOT my idea of fun. They wanted down, then up, then juice, then raisins, then crayons. Note to self...leave the girls at home next year. Wait a few more years for them to be able to sit through that.

Christmas Eve was celebrated with Grandma Laura's family in matching jammies

Izzy threw out reindeer food...

...and left Santa cookies and a beer

Santa arrived at our house at 7am on Christmas morning and came into each of our rooms, waking us up with his jingle bells and ho-ho-ho-ing. I simply LOVE that our family is carrying this tradition on. Brings back such fond memories of my childhood for me.

Laney wasn't such a big fan of Santa...

...but Iz loved him!

Santa brought Izzy an Amer.ican Gi.rl baby doll and high chair

And lots of dress up clothes!

After Santa leaves we always have the kids open gifts first, one at a time. Once the kids are done, Laura makes her monkey bread and Bob makes his Bob McMuffins. Once we're all fed it's time for the adults to open gifts, one at a time. Love this. THEN, once the adults are done opening gifts Bob gets his pizza fixings out for an afternoon of make-your-own personal pizzas. We stay in our jammies all day long. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Our twin nine year old nephews got a paper guitar and Mike learned all the chords for all songs on the play list. It was hysterical; we could hear Mike jamming away all morning long and he'd occasionally come around and play for us. He was very proud.

Bob & Laura got all of the grandkids their own personalized chef's hats and aprons.

The girls loved dressing up

So cute and ready to bake

Bob & Laura heat their (cleaner-than-most-peoples'-homes garage) and open it up for use. This year they set up a kids' height table for making pizzas.

Izzy was very into this (she gets a lot of practice pretending to bake in her play kitchen)

Sunday morning we headed back on the road to Michigan to visit my family. This is how Izzy rides these days. Laid back. With her mind on her movie and her movie on her mind.

Izzy was excited to see her cousins!

And I was excited to see family: Uncle Jeff & Aunt Celeste

Mike thought it was funny to take pictures of Izzy amidst one of her many three year old tantrums. We have an entire series of this particular meltdown. I'll spare you.

Grandpa Tom & Buggy

This was definitely a princess Christmas for Iz (several crowns, a magic wand, dress up clothes)

Grandma Anna & Iz showing off their manicures a la Aunt KiKi

We went to our favorite Mexican dive with Aunt Carla

Cousin Taylor

Aunt KiKi


And one of the best gifts ever: my Grandfather got the great grandchildren a recordable book of 'Twas A Night Before Christmas with his voice as the narrator. Brought tears to my eyes. What a special gift!
Adorable Iz
Taylor and Grandfather

KiKi and her nieces
Reading a new book
Sisters again
Tuesday we left Michigan and headed to Toledo to see my cousins and pick up my mom. We drove back with my sister, her kids and my mom. We've been hanging around the house all week playing dress up:
Baking LOTS of cookies and crafting:
Playing more dress-up
And hanging out with Roo.

More pictures to come of NYE...but this post took about an hour to complete. Must catch the end of the Rose B.owl. Go Bucky!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Sorry I've been absent in the blog-o-sphere; we've been busy traveling the Midwest to visit our families and celebrate the season.

I couldn't send cards to everyone that reads this blog, so here is our holiday card (love Laney's tongue sticking out). I probably won't be able to get around to posting pics of the last week for another week or so, as I still have family in town. Priorities. You know, like unloading a car full of presents only realizing there is no where to put them. Organizing to be done. Crafts to make. Baking to do. Pictures to take. Dress up and dance parties to be had.

Hope everyone had a relaxing holiday and have a great time ringing in the New Year.

I'll be having a dance party of my own. But I won't be wearing a tutu and cowboy hat at my party. Getting fancy. Can't wait!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Graduation Day for Mikey

It's official, Mike has completed his MBA degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. To make it even more official, he walked in the graduation ceremonies yesterday afternoon. Mike was one of 1,749 other students that graduated yesterday. Mostly were undergraduates (in a separate, earlier ceremony) but Mike was walking among fellow Masters and Doctorates. Kind of a big deal, in my opinion.

Mike completed his MBA degree with a 4.0 GPA, and I wouldn't have expected anything less from him. I'm truly in awe that he accomplished this feat while working full time, having a second child and his wife training for a marathon. Talk about time management in the McCulloch household. He has sacrificed many things in his life to make this dream come to fruition and we are nothing but proud of him.

When Mike walked to get his diploma the girls, myself, his dad & step-mom were all cheering him on and so happy for him. Izzy was yelling, "Yay Daddy Mike!" I was choked up and full of pride that my husband accomplished this. But more so because he's now done (he's been finished with classes since September and the extra time that we have him around is so wonderful!).

Yesterday was a long day with the ceremony being 2 hours long. Here's how we passed the time:
Chasing after a 15 month old...
Snuggling with Grandpa Bob...
Taking pictures on Grandma Laura's camera...
Reading the official program...
Searching for Mike among many names...
Watching Daddy Mike walk...
Cheering for him when his name was called...
And trying to entertain tired girls!
So proud of our daddy Mike
Heading home after a long day celebrating Mike
Pooped out right away
When we got home last night Mike opened a silly gift from Bob & Laura...
A Superman Snuggie!!! That's exactly how we feel about him...being able to juggle family, school and work. Next on his Superman schedule? He and 4 other college swimming are attempting this in June:

Yep, Mike will be swimming 3.1 miles on Morse Reservoir in June. It's a 25k relay and each of the 5 team members will swim the 3.1 mile loop. Since I know nothing of swimming and the times it takes to swim this distance I've been asking a ton of questions (imagine that). Mike says that when he was in prime swimming shape in college, he could swim a 16 minute mile. If he was just recreationally swimming a mile (I can NOT imagine ever swimming a mile 'recreationally') it would take him 20 minutes. His goal for this race is to complete the 3.1 miles in a little over an hour. Wow, am I impressed. So excited for Mike to start his training of this next huge goal. (And maybe a bit excited about the pontoon boat afterwards with a keg!)

We're proud of you daddy Mike!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reindeer days

The girls got to pet a real, live reindeer at school yesterday!!!
Izzy hasn't stopped talking about meeting Rudolph!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

(These are not great quality b/c I just scanned them in...but they were too cute NOT to post!) What an adult pose...she's really starting to look like a little kid instead of a baby these days

The head tilt? Come on...that is just so stinkin' cute!

So this post really isn't "wordless." Both Iz and Bug had classroom photos taken but I wanted to focus in on these two: best buds Iz & Luke. Oh, and the fact that Iz has her crown on (they made her take it off for the individual pics, thank goodness). She wears this nearly every day. She is quite the princess these days!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dentist & Date Night...

This past Friday was another Flex day for me, which I had the pleasure to start off by going to the dentist with Iz (but the rest of the day was fab: massage/chiropractor, lunch with friends, holiday shopping, crafting and a NAP!) Izzy had her very first dentist appointment, for which we had been prepping her for at home for weeks. "Gotta brush your teeth really well to impress the dentist!" or "Your tummy doesn't hurt, we just need to go to the dentist, not the doctor." You know, those sorts of conversations. So we got to the office and Izzy was PUMPED up. Told the other moms in the waiting room this will be the only time she is excited about going to the dentist (unless she's like me...I love me the's like a massage for my mouth!). We get called back and are directed into the dentist's office for an initial consult with the technician (hygiene habits, health history, et al). Then we're told we would give the "chair" a chance. Izzy was initially hesitant until Sue offered her some pink sunnies and Iz noticed Dora was on in front of her.
Iz went for a "ride" in the chair and Sue was very kid-friendly by explaining what she was doing and what all the tools were for.
Counted the teeth. OK, fine. But when the automatic cleaner started buzzing Iz lost it. No amount of "fairy dust" on her teeth made her comfortable with that noise so near her. Iz was screaming and crying. Let's just say we had to go back to the consultation room and finish cleaning Izzy's teeth on our laps. Phew. That was over. Until...the dentist had to come in to check out Izzy's teeth. We were told that Izzy not only had a cross-bite but also crowding in her front teeth. Read: she's an early candidate for braces (age 8-9). Awesome. Mike and I both had braces. Mine were on at 9 and off at 13. So I knew this was coming. Anyway, we have to come back in another 6 months to continue to get Izzy acclimated and comfortable with the setting. I told Mike he's going with her next time. It was exhausting!
Saturday morning we had gymnastics and then I went to a cookie exchange (we have enough cookies to feed 10 families right now, so if you're in the area...). Then Mike and I had date night for the first time in a long time (we go out...but most times we are with other couples). We went to a Butler game and then out for our favorite: Sakura sushi!!!
This is what it looks like when you ask your 3 year old to take your picture.
Self portrait
Hinkle Fieldhouse
Go Bulldogs!
The Dawgs were up by 30 points come halftime, so Mike wanted to head out. I begged to stay to watch the halftime show (cheerleaders and dancers). Let's just say I was anything but impressed with both. Guess I'm used to watching the IU squads that are nationally ranked and pure entertainment. We'll be back for more games this season, as Mikey went in on season tix with some buddies (there's no need to go to all 24 home games!).
While Mike was filling out the sushi menu I noticed his wrist...
He had on one of Izzy's bracelets that read "I heart basketball." I suppose it was appropriate, but not on purpose. Mike says he goes to work all the time with silly ban.ds on without knowing it. Hilarious!
But this was the best...a Miller Lite and an Yummmm.

And here's a cute pic of the Bug. She's a mocking bird these days, repeating EVERY word we say. We stayed in our jammers all day today, as we got dumped on with snow. Izzy and I worked on some crafts this afternoon but I'm sad to say I can't post pictures of them (yet) because they are gifts!