Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An evening with friends...

Saturday evening Mike cooked up a delicious roast and we invited the Falciones and Molly over for dinner (and lots of beer and desserts!). Again, this post is picture heavy, as I was playing with both my camera and Molly's camera the entire evening. The kids probably thought they were celebrities with all the flashes going off! Anyway, these are in no particular order...just know that there was a dance party that happened and Izzy was in her ELEMENT. So much fun...thanks for a fun night guys! (The pictures are a combo of my camera and Molly's.)
 A little craft I made for Molly
 Izzy loves her Aunt Molly and it's quite evident the feeling is mutual

Sunday, January 16, 2011

First week with the new camera...

Warning: this blog post has a TON of pictures.

I have taken 388 pictures in 6 days. I'm that obsessed with my new camera. Experimenting has been fun and a bit obsessive, but I've been having a lot of fun.
 Buggy on a snowy day
 Izzy posing (it's just what she does)
 Playroom time
 Super Izzy

 This is what bath time looks like during the week...painful
 Cowgirl Iz
 Costume change #23
And to imagine people confuse Laney for a boy. I mean, I put her in PINK under the overalls. Guess that bald head of hers doesn't help!
 Fighting to get past her sister
 Happy girl

 I always thought these were cool shots, so I had to try it out for myself
Izzy loves it when Laney goes to sleep, this means coloring time, play dough time, movie time.

This is with Molly's lens...it rocked my world. Natural daylight and my beauty queen.
She has her daddy's eyes. And her mommy's tiara from her 30th birthday. If you look closely you can see the glue marks from where the numbers 3 and 0 were. I had to take them off before I let her wear it :)

 Katie Monster
I cannot wait to make a silhouette of Laney Bug once she gets a little older and her profile becomes a little more pronounced.
 Snugging with daddy
 Climbing the stairs for bath time. And this is what a weekend bath looks like:
Happy, playful, enjoyable for all parties, no tears, and looong. Quite the contrary to weeknights, that's for sure!

 Excited face x2

 Daddy snug time

I have a TON of pictures to post from last night's dinner with our friends. Took way too many and don't have the energy to upload them all now. More to come!

Good night. Time to recharge my battery (and the camera's)!