Sunday, June 2, 2013

US Masters National Championship

A few weeks ago Mikey competed in the 2013 U.S. Masters Swimming Spring Nationals. He qualified in many events and swam alongside 2,000 other swimmers from across the country. Here are the events he swam in and the place he finished:

·         1650 Freestyle – 4th Place
·         500 Freestyle – 11th Place
·         200 Backstroke – 14th Place

·         200 Yard Freestyle – 1st Place
·         200 Yard Medley – 2nd Place
·         Mixed 200 Yard Freestyle – 4th Place
·         Mixed 200 Yard Medley – 8th Place

The meet was a 4 day event at the IU N.atatorium, where the Olympic Trials have been held.
I went to cheer him on during the day for his mile event...this was his best event in college so it was special for me to witness him swim this one in competition.
Then I brought the girls to watch daddy compete. You can tell they loved it.
Mike's college swim teammate also competed, Kip.
Proud of their daddy

Here is Mike counting laps for Kip

Swimmers take your mark...

And Kip counting laps for Mike

Mike did an amazing job at Nationals, I'm so proud of him for all he's accomplished in swimming this year!

Izzy's on her way to kindergarten...

It's official: Izzy is no longer a pre-schooler. She is going to be entering kindergarten in the Fall and I can hardly believe how quickly time has flown by.

A few weeks ago Izzy's pre-k classroom had a graduation celebration complete with a slide show of her class throughout the past 5+ years. Izzy has been with this same group of kiddos since she was 11 months old and all of them will be going to different schools in the Fall, so I knew this day was going to be emotional. Izzy saying goodbye to her teachers and her friends.
On the way to the ceremony Izzy kept telling us how nervous she was about speaking, singing and dancing in front of such a big audience. I just laughed and told her she lived for moments like this; a new audience to witness all her material.
Saying the of Allegiance
While Luke proudly held the flag
Cutest two kids in the class.
The group performed a handful of songs and dances.
And each child had separate speaking parts. Izzy nailed hers.
One of the dances they performed was the Twist...where Izzy got to dance with her buddy Caleb. He twirled Izzy and she was grinning from ear to ear. I love Maggie in the background shakin' it up.
I'm going to have to keep this photo for her high school graduation...she just looks so grown up here.

Every child was awarded with a 'Certificate of Silly Award' and Izzy's was for "The Tiny Dancer." Her teacher told the audience that Izzy was always asking for music to be turned on and she would dance constantly around the room, even to lullaby music. Give this girl a beat and she will drop it like it's hot, that's for sure.
This is Izzy's pre-K teacher, Ms. Scott. Izzy adores her and already misses her. Ms. Scott is an incredible teacher, honing in on students' strengths and letting them shine, while also paying special attention to their weaknesses to ensure they succeed. Izzy loves Ms. Scott so much and their school wouldn't be the same without her. I'm excited to see what Laney will do in her class this year!
Izzy's buddy Audrey
This crew....they have been buddies for years. And each one of them will be parting ways for kindergarten. Maybe they'll all reunite in high school one day. Until then...

And these pictures, oh my. When I sent the above picture to Jaime she immediately sent me the picture below. I can't stop looking at them. All four of us have grown and changed so much over the course of the 5 years. So much has happened. Yet so much has stayed the same. These little kiddos have known each other since birth. Jaime and I met while they were in our tummies growing. And here they are, all grown up. And heading to kindergarten.
Let the floodgates open. Jaime and I were hit pretty hard with the graduation. It's a big life change / rite of passage for the Littles. And for us mommies at the same time. Just another sign of them growing up. And I love every minute of it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Gala-vanting with the Girls..

A few weeks ago all of my running girlfriends gathered gala-style (not to be confused with gangnam style) to celebrate our dear friend, Meggie Dials. You see, Meggie ran for the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society's Woman of the Year and you can read all about it here. She has done some pretty incredible fundraising for this charity in such a short time frame that we'd be remiss to pass up this opportunity to support Meggie and celebrate all she has done.

We all got dressed up and met in a penthouse suite beforehand to raise our glasses to Meggie...Salud!
Gun showing

Step and repeating...

There may or may not have been some dancing. Or splits. Or handstand push ups. Let me just tell you was quite possibly one of the most fun evenings I've had with these ladies!
Sure was fun to get out of our running clothes and into our fancy clothes to share a wonderful evening together. We started out as Perfect Strangers and here we are, raising each other up as if we were sisters. So proud of you, Meggie, and all you do!

CF pics...

I know I've already blogged about GLOC (Gorgeous Ladies of CF competition) but some professional pics recently came out and I wanted to share them. Plus, I use this blog as my family's own this is more for me than anyone else.

 Looking for a judge
 Struggling in the finals
 That moment where your best friend carries you to the finish line...probably one of my most favorite pics of Jaime and myself. 

 My sweat sisters
 And this past Sunday was Bump Day at the In.dianapolis Motor Speedway (the day when Ind.y 500 qualifiers can race to bump themselves up on the starting line-up). It was also a day for the inaugural 'Throwdown at the Brickyard' CF competition. Let me tell you how exciting it was to be among race fans and CrossFit fans at the same time. Talk about a lot of energy!

Mike and the girls came out to watch me then watch the cars.
Jaime competed, too.

Daddy forgot the ear plugs and Buggy wasn't a fan.
The girls have been to the track before but this was the first time watching Indy cars.
Team Reebok CrossFit Finish Line: Paul, Clint & Clara

First wod was literally on the track. Such an amazing opportunity that I just couldn't pass up! Run 400m, 100 squats, run 400m, 75 squats, run 400m, 50 squats, run 400m. That's a total of 1 mile running and 225 air squats. Let's just say I was limping for the next 5 days from this workout!
Third wod was clean & jerk 10 times, run 40yards, C&J 9 times, run, on and on down to 1 rep. We were working out on grass, which none of us have ever done before. And we all dropped the weight after it was overhead. Heavy weight + dropping onto grass = large divets and bending weight plates. And it was HOT. On this particular workout I ripped my hands in three places...and they were LARGE rips. Had to sleep with my hands doused in A.quafor and gloves for the next week to heal them.
Love this picture because it shows my shoulder shrug in my clean (read good form that we practice over and over again). I modified my weight but that didn't mean it was easy. This was #65 pounds.

The second wod was the one I feared most, as it was a lot of kettle bell movements that I wasn't confident in. WOD: 25 box jump overs, 25 one armed snatches #35 on each arm, 40 yards KB farmer's carry, 50 KB swings and another 25 box jump overs. I was SO happy when this one was over and even happier I did all of those one armed snatches unbroken. Proud of myself.

I can't promise this will be the last of the CF pictures any time soon. I've got another competition in 2 weeks (this time it's team, thank goodness!). More to come soon!