Saturday, February 8, 2014

Destination: Nashville

I know this much is true: I have the best friends and family a girl could ask for.

Last week was my thirty-seventh birthday. Not my 21st or my 40th. But an anticlimactic 37th.

Mike had told me early in January to take the Friday before my birthday off from work because he had some plans for us. I was given no further details. If you know me, you know I like to know everything about everything. I'm a details person. So being kept in the dark was killing me softly.

The day before we left my co-workers spoiled me with treats and presents. That Thursday was made so special for me and I'm grateful to have such amazing friends that I get the pleasure to work with every single day. Below are my new 1.25 lb weights for the barbell. I won't go into details, but these little beauties make a big difference in the gym. And I love them.
 Moving on. As Thursday night rolled around I started getting cranky (who, me? never!). I didn't know what to pack. I didn't really want to leave the girls for 3 days. I was going to be traveling the following week for work for 3 days. I just wasn't excited to pack up and leave. In fact, I didn't even start packing until Friday morning. Mike dropped the girls at school and came back for me...and off we went. I remember making a mental note to change my attitude and make this a good weekend; we had 3 days to ourselves for crying out loud.

We weren't on the road for more than 5 minutes and Mike turns off on a detour. I asked him what we were doing. "We're picking something up." Mmkay then. Our car was driving towards our old house. My heart immediately started pounding. My ears were ringing. I had this feeling that we were going to our old neighbors' house, Matt & Jill. And I knew exactly what that meant: they'd be joining us!!! We have talked for  years about traveling together but never pulled the trigger. Could this be the weekend?!?!

We pulled into Matt & Jill's driveway. Garage was open and Matt's car was there. That's strange. He should be at work. We walk into their house and Matt and I looked at each other like, "Why are you here?" And that's when we put it together....road trip!!!! I was so stunned and so excited and so confused at the same time. For weeks Jill had been trying to plan something with us to celebrate Matt and my joint birthdays (Matt turned 40 two days before I turned 37). She had elaborate lies that Matt and I kept piecing together, all in the name of a birthday surprise. Love her for joining in with Mike to make the weekend so incredible.

We packed all four of us into the car and were on our way. But to where? An hour into the drive Mike presents Matt and myself with this:
 We were headed to Nashville for an epic weekend. What a perfect getaway!

A few hours and a lunch at C.racker Barrel later we arrived at our hotel. We didn't waste any time; grabbed a beer from the cooler, got cleaned up and off we went.
 We stayed on the main street that runs directly into downtown, just 2 miles away from the hustle and bustle and across the street from the Vanderbilt campus. After a quick shuttle ride we arrive downtown:
 Elvis sighting
 I hadn't been to Nashville since college and didn't remember much of it. So as we walked the strip I was grinning from ear-to-ear. Every single bar and restaurant we walked by had live music. We stopped into one for a beer and a sing-a-long and moved on to the Johnny C.ash museum.
 We spent quite some time here as there was so much history to drink in.

Some of you may recall our rock-n-roll bathroom at the old house. Think this is what Mike was going for:
 Through the years
 Stunning collection of awards
 Many of his guitars were on display and I couldn't stop taking pictures of them, so freaking cool.
 Jill had been to Nashville quite a bit and knew a thing or two about where the most famous whole-in-the-wall places were for the best music. So we hit up Robert's and ended up staying there for hours. We ran into a couple from our neighborhood here in Westfield (small world!).

 Jill and I were enamored with the band. Playing the slap bass was a legend named Slick Joe Fick. He was in the Johnny C.ash movie "Walk the Line" and was quite talented and entertaining.
 On the far left is an 18 year old guitar prodigy named Danny Donato. If you ever are in Nashville you must go to Roberts for the best music in town. Must.
 The next morning (my birthday!!!) we decided to take the town on foot. First exploring Vanderbilt's campus followed by a walking brewery tour of the city. Day drinking....yummmm. 
 Jackalope was, by far, our favorite.
 And leave it to Mike to buy a graphic tee that turned out to become our weekend motto.

 Jill said we just had to visit her favorite place to shop, Hatch Show Prints. They make posters for musical artists, big and small, around the country.

 Happy birthday to me!
 Although we didn't have time to visit the CMHoF I had to snap a picture anyway.
 That evening we explored a different part of town, Printer's Alley, for some live Blues music.

 Bad lighting but best buddies.
 "Nobody leave this place without singin' the blues."

 After some blues and some grub, we ended up at another classic joint: Layla's. This is where Epic Shit went down.

Waking on Sunday morning was brutal, as Nashville treated us right. But we were all ready to get back home to our kiddos. The car ride home was quiet until our caffeine kicked in...then we started recapping and laughing at the weekend shenanigans. Was the perfect birthday weekend; one I won't soon forget.

While we were away, Bob and Laura stayed at home with the girls baking, going to movies and all the fun stuff that accompanies grandparents being in charge. Laura sent me this letter from Izzy on Saturday.
 As well as a picture of the girls. Looks like even when we are gone, their crazy ensues.
 A huge thanks to Mikey and Jilly for the best birthday weekend ever!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snowed In...

School delays, school closings, blizzards, sub-zero it what you want. POLAR VORTEX is what I'm going with. Travel advisories and local government shut down the city and tell you to leave your house only in emergency.
We've had to get creative around these parts when spending days on end in the confines of our home. Mmmmkay then. Let's get crafty!

Taught the girls some basic sewing. Which lasted all of 30 minutes. 
Izzy was great at threading the needle
We made jewelry for ourselves. Then for every friend we could think of. Yay for beads being found all over our house for days.
And we also made our own lipgloss. Let's just say mommy made the lipgloss.
We played in the snow and then scooped up fresh snow to bring in for homemade snow-cream. It was not B.reyers French Vanilla but the girls thought it was amazing.
Flashcards are a hit in our house. Sight words, rhyming, making name it, we play it. Laney has even caught on quite well to the flashcards we use.
And thanks to our old Nanny Natalie, I found a pack of S.hrinky Dinks in the craft closet...score! The girls and I kept on making batch after batch of these little gems. Finally started making tiny alphabet letters with holes punched out to use for jewelry making. Cross functional crafting :)
Winter wonderland kept getting whiter and whiter
And deeper and deeper
You won't see Mikey in any of these pictures because he was literally laid out in bed for 4-5 days. Quarantined himself. Flu turned bronchitis. Poor guy. This made entertaining the girls that much harder. No one to tag-team and take a rester. Oh, and guess who had to shovel for the first time in her life? This girl. Dug out all the ski apparel I could find and had at it. I figured it was a good replacement for being in the CrossFit gym. The snow just kept coming. I would go outside every few hours to uncover the driveway yet again. Shoveling is no easy feat. I had to keep stretching out my shoulders. Phew! Glad that is behind us.

Once we were able to get out of the house we ventured to Chik-fil-a for Colts-blue ice cream and some play time.
Followed by a night with our friends, the Fechtmans. Last time we were there in December Laney had an "incident" with one of their t.v.s. Let's just say it was an expensive Christmas gift to make up for that awesome accident. So our friends did what they normally do...pull pranks on us:
Nothing was broken that evening, thankyoubabyjesus. Captured a moment between Matt and Bug. These two....I just love this pic. So special to have friends like them.
More random stuck-in-the-house pictures:
Poor Katie dog. Ahem, Princess Katie.
Last weekend Laney got a very high temp for a few days that wasn't coming down without meds. Definitely was the flu and maybe a touch of the stomach bug. Was so hard watching her writhe with pain, unable to help her. Poor sis. She's on the mend now and spunkier than ever.
Laney had her kindergarten shots a few days after she felt better and was rewarded with fro-yo. Back this train up...I said kindergarten!!! Can't believe it. But I also can't stop her from growing up. Shoot.
This is what it looks like when all four of us snuggle at the same time. Some of my favorite moments at home are snuggling with these three.
Ten weeks after my offer, I finally started my new job (same place, new gig). It'd be an understatement to say I was thrilled. My stress level has gone down significantly. I can sleep better at night. Enjoy my weekends. A huge weight has been lifted, leaving my old job behind. Replacing it is excitement to learn a new business and work with new people. Pumped!
Izzy standing on her hands.
Was fortunate enough to be a judge at the GLI again this year. Getting up close to Games-level athletes to count their reps and cheer them on....priceless. One day I hope to compete at this event, but until then I'll just keep plugging away in the gym.
Speaking of which, the Mini is coming up in a few months. Which means mama has to get some miles in. Drat. Since January 1st I have been on the treadmill once a week, slowly building my mileage. Although I realize one run a week will not score me a PR come May, I do know it'll add value to my CF training and allow me to finish 13.1 without doubt.
I do not miss treadmills. At all.
And finally, we were able to spend last weekend with some of our best friends. Mike went to college with these guys 20 years ago and they all still get together yearly. Be it a baseball trip, a ski trip or whatever...these guys are tight. The Diazs were in town for a swim meet so it was only natural for a UE Swim Reunion.
Mike, Brian, Jason, Kip & Jon
And the wives (I'm the only non UE alumn): Holly, Sandi, Carrie & Karen
We played Cards A.gainst Human.ity for hours. Laughing until we cried. Forgetting all our worries, even if briefly. While all 11 of our children played together in the basement.
I captured this picture of Jason and I simply adore it. I'm sure he was laughing at some horribly awesome game play, but it captures his spirit. So full of life and laughter. Mike's best friend. Mike's brother. Our family. To follow his journey click here.
This reunion was one I won't soon forget. Was so very special to all be together celebrating our friendship.