Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cereal for dinner...

We have had two nights of cereal here...and Izzy has loved it! She swallows most of what goes into her mouth, and the rest gets spit out. The first night we tried feeding her in the bouncy seat...stripped down, as we had no idea what to expect. But we found feeding her in the high chair was much easier for her to swallow. Girl seems to really enjoy the new taste in her mouth and we have a great time watching her with this new evening event!

Another notable mention, Izzy's acid reflux has disappeared since she has been "upright" in her exer-saucer during play time. I kept reading and hearing this would happen once they are off their backs, and it's true! She seems much happier during and after feedings, and there is significantly less spit-up out of her. Love the progress!