Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weekend at the pool...

Jaime, Luke, Iz & Kelly
Luke & Jaim
Iz & Mike
So big
Jeremy & Luke
Learning to be on back in water

This weekend we joined our neighborhood pool...which is just a few short blocks from our house (walking distance!!!). We spent a few hours each day there, acclimating Izzy to the water. The first day we just hung out in the kiddie pool...then graduated up to the big pool today. She much preferred the big pool, as she could be held closely and face-to-face. Sunday our friends, the Fellers, joined us for a was so much fun to see the kiddos in the water together! Both Jeremy & Mike were collegiate we are, of course, expecting our bambinos to be little minnows. It's just a little early yet :)


Jellybeans Children's Boutique said...

What a precious little girl! Love the swimsuit too. You should definately check out our website at Have a wonderful summer!