Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pre-Season Colts Game

Mikey & Kelly (& Izzy)
Zach & Courtney

Last night we were invited to join our friends Courtney & Zach at a pre-season Colts vs. Bears game. We sat in a suite and dined on free food and drinks...it was so much fun! Can't wait until the real season begins!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lake Shower...

An evening boat ride...
Feeling Izzy move...
Mike's mom, Cathy
My new monogrammed diaper bag!
A very special guest, Nancy Tynan
Perfect for Isabelle...a gift from Nancy Tynan!

This weekend Mike's mom hosted a shower for her girlfriends and mine! My best girlfriends Erin, Mary & Jenny from Chicago (whom I have known since grade school) made the trek to the lake. Although the weather was a bit gloomy, we still snuck in a long boat ride and some great girl time! Jenny & I enjoyed a little shopping on Saturday night. Then we all stayed up playing Dominos for hours (until Erin wasn't losing anymore)! We woke up to rain and a rescue mission to gather Erin and Ellie from their walk & out of the storm. Our step-sisters helped Cathy to put on a great shower filled with good food, games & prizes. Thanks to everyone who attended!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More Shower Pics...

This was their first time seeing my BELLY!
Anna put together collages from old pics...
My sister, Kim, and niece, Taylor...
My three moms...

My step-mom just sent some more shower pics...and they were too cute NOT to post :)

Monday, August 13, 2007

8 Months Pregnant...

28 weeks (7 months)
32 weeks (8 months)
Today marks my 32nd week of pregnancy...which is 8 months. Just 8 more WEEKS until Isabelle is due to arrive. My mom accompanied me to my 32 week appointment to the OBGYN and was able to see Izzy on ultrasound, which was very special! She is measuring right on track and so am I. Still have more growing to do...and I don't know where it will all go!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Michigan Shower...

Kelly & Mom

Cousins, aunts, moms & Nana...
The Wolverton crew...

This past weekend the Keel Clan got together in Michigan for a shower for Isabelle. My mother flew in from Lake Tahoe, my sister drove in from Chicago, and the entire Wolverton family was there to celebrate. There were 4 generations in attendance and it was a very special gathering. I very big thank you to Anna for throwing the shower (games and prizes were fabulous) and to all that helped welcome Izzy into the world.

Mike and our dads attended a racing school - they were able to drive several laps around the Michigan International Speedway at speeds upwards of 150 mph! They had a great time and followed it up with a round of golf.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nursery is underway...

This past week, Mikey and I have been busy in the nursery! We painted the walls, added a decorative light fixture, and started organizing all of Isabelle's new belongings. You can barely see the crib skirt in the picture, as the mattress is set at the highest level for newborns. We still have a lot left to do: crown molding, buy a rug, bring in the new upholstered rocker, hang the curtains and hang the wall decor. Stay tuned...it will be completed very shortly, as my nesting instinct has kicked in full-force!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wisconsin Shower...

Grandma Betty, Aunt Deb & Kel
Aunt Deb & baby Jordyn

Aunt Deb & Laura hosted a McCulloch family shower for me in Janesville, Wisconsin on Saturday. We had fun the morning of with a long walk on the trail and preparing the brunch! Baby Isabelle received lots of new clothes, bibs, and her high chair! When the boys returned from playing golf, Mike saw all the gifts and said..."Everything is PINK!" I think he's a little overwhelmed by all of it :)