Sunday, April 11, 2010

Picnic, Party, Bowling and Nature...

This weekend was BEAUTIFUL in Indy. Perfect Spring weather for a perfectly full weekend at our house. Saturday morning started off with a 10 mile run on the Monon for me. I ran on the new (to me) section, which is north of 146th Street all the way up to 161st this made my run an adventure; new scenery and new mileage to chart! When I returned home, Mike went out for his long run. While he was gone Delaney snoozed & Izzy and I had a picnic on her new playset.
Izzy has learned she can climb pretty much anything
PB&J picnic
Saturday afternoon we went to the Village to visit Mark, Amber & Etta Schroering. We could only stay an hour...but we had so much fun visiting with them and all their friends.
Kel & Amber (Happy Birthday!)
Etta (2 weeks older than Delaney) and Amber
Amber had a babysitter on site for face painting, sidewalk art, and lots more fun activities
Izzy chose a was so cute on her!!!
Saturday night was the first Funster activity of the year, and we planned this event: dinner at the Smokehouse on Shelby and Duckpin Bowling, both in Fountain Square downtown Indy. Dinner was hands down the BEST BBQ I have ever had: pulled BBQ pork, wings, sweet potato fries, cole slaw and FRIED biscuits. I ate so much that I was near sick the entire 2 hours we bowled. But it was worth it. I will definitely be going back. And soon.
Mike reading the rules of the game...there are three very small balls and the pins are also smaller. This was so much fun...we were on the 4th floor overlooking downtown and there was a full bar right behind us. So. Much. Fun.
Me, Mags, Molly and Brandi. We had so much fun...which we always do...but I just love that we keep building all of these fun memories and inside jokes and beautiful relationships throughout the year. Love you guys!
Sunday afternoon we decided to go out to a park (Mike had sprayed grass-killer under Izzy's new playset so as to spread mulch over it we had to stay off) that is a hidden treasure. It's a nature walk, water over-look, and has a "prehistoric" playground.
More climbing
Sliding down a cement slide. I was weary of this, as it is cement. However, it was a very smooth slide (and fast)...which still blows my mind.
Looking down
I'm telling you, Izzy loves to climb!
We hiked to an area that overlooks a river. It's so beautiful and was a perfect day to be outside. And now I need some rest. That's what Monday is! Sometimes I feel like going to work IS my reprieve :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Backyard Playset = Happy Family!

Mike has been researching and pricing out playsets for months now, in anticipation of setting it up sometime this Spring. Well with all the beautiful weather we'd had all week, his bug was in full force to get this project underway. Bob picked up the set and brought it down early Friday afternoon. Both Mike and I were got out of work early (yay for holiday weekends...and the Final Four in Indy!) so we all came home to greet Bob who was already sorting through the pieces. Delaney and I sat on the deck watching in the shade (it was over 80 degrees Friday) while Izzy and Mike joined Bob in this huuuuuge project.
Sorting the pieces (note Izzy was helping, unsolicited, and in her own world)
Happy shaded baby
More sorting...and let the stacking begin
Doing what she does best: stacking
Very proud of herself
Saturday morning started out BEAUTIFUL. I ran 9 miles in 55 degree weather at 8am. I returned home and within minutes, this is what we faced: the dreaded rain! The guys were quite creative and put up an awning (meant for tailgating - ha!) to cover themselves and their project while continuing to work the entire day.
The girls and I kept the back door open so we could hear the guys we put up our hoods and played the day away. Izzy was making Laney girl laugh. They were just so into each other, I loved it.

Izzy lined up every single block she owns in the exact same position. Anyone know where she gets this habit? If you've ever been out to eat with Mike, you'll know :)
Sunday morning Izzy hunted for eggs that the Easter Bunny left
Grandpa Bob and Delaney helped with the hung
Back to work on Sunday morning
It's all coming together!
The finished project. Not a great pic of the girls, but this lets you see the entire playset. Double swing, two single swings, ladder, slide, covered treehouse, monkey bars, and on the opposite side of the slide is an attached picnic table.
Thank you Grandpa Bob for the playset!!! All of us love it!
Delaney even tested it out
She's in heaven
And this afternoon Jaime and her boys came over for a playdate. I'm sorry to say I didn't take any pics of Jaime or Jacob...but I snapped a few of Luke. We haven't seen this little man in a LONG time and it was so fun to see him and smooch on him. When he let us :)
Izzy & Luke showing off their Cars tattoos (from Izzy's Easter basket).

Sunday, March 28, 2010

7 months, Gymnastics & Golf...

This weekend was a bit COLD and I'm posting a picture of Delaney from last weekend, when it was WARM and SUNNY. Delaney turned 7 months old yesterday and I feel we've really turned a corner in the last month or two: two teeth are fully in, sleeps 12 hours straight (and for a special treat she goes back down for another two hours after a quick feeding), she eats 3 "meals" a day (baby food), and is near crawling. Laney has also started to be VERY social and interactive with her big sis...which is fun to watch the two of them laugh at each other and start to "play" together.
Bug riding in front...she gets this view often, as it's the easiest way to carry her
Um, let's just say this was provoked by daddy
I have been in search of a swimming or ballet or gymnastics class in the evenings for Izzy for months now. Been frustrated b/c every place I look only offers one evening class a week (if ANY!). I was getting super frustrated with the fact that every community or sports center scheduled toddler classes during the day (do they think every Carmel mom stays home?!), so I posted about it on Facebook. Turns out a gal I was on gymnastics team with in High School lives very near me (small world) and said she takes her son to a place nearby (that I had never heard of). I checked it out online and they offered MULTIPLE evening classes. I. Was. Thrilled. We started this week in a Tiny Tot gymnastics class and Izzy girl LOVED it! After every trick Izzy would do she'd turn around to me and give me her excited face. It was adorable to watch her confidence grow. After the class the instructor came directly towards me and told me that Izzy was their newest student (the class had been in session for 5 weeks already when we joined) but yet their BEST listener. I'm so proud.
Her first go at the balance beam. I'm hoping this is going to be her favorite event, as it was mine
Here is a video of her on the beam rotation:

Saturday was sunny and beautiful, but a tad chilly. Izzy spent the majority of the day in the backyard playing. Daddy put up a tree swing, so that kept her busy...and happy.
Saturday Mike went on a long run (we have to take turns these days going out for our runs) and I had asked Izzy to stay put watching a movie while I put Delaney down. I came downstairs to find Izzy watching her Laney's exersaucer. And she was STUCK. Both feet in one foot hole. Nice.
Mike bought Izzy her first set of golf clubs. They hit a few balls. And then it lost its luster. Izzy was more interested in holding every club and walking around the yard with them. Ha!
ps-I finally figured out how to get the video from YGG Live uploaded on my blog (before it was just a link...two posts back). You should really check it out, it was great! Plus, there's a little of Izzy watching him on there, too. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our handsome hero...

Meet Jaime's newest man in her life: Jacob Logan. Born 3/20/10 at a whopping 9lbs. 4oz. He's only a few days old and one of the bravest & strongest little boys I know. I love him already!

Molly and I had the joy of meeting this litle guy at the hospital, just a few hours old. We're proud of you, Jaim, and we're thrilled you're all home. Can't wait for Delaney to meet her future BFF. Or husband. I won't be choosey.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba Live!

As most of you with small children in the house know, Yo Gabba Gabba is a favorite amongst pre-schoolers. Izzy has been an avid fan for as long as we can remember. This show is on the Nickelodeon Junior channel (geared towards pre-schoolers) and is similar to Sesame Street in that it teaches kids good life lessons (don't throw things at friends, eat your veggies, hugging friends is nice, pick up your trash, etc.). Well this past weekend we went up to Mike's dad's house to go to see Yo Gabba Gabba live in concert!!! We were a bit nervous, as we'd never taken Izzy to a movie before. However, we prepared her for weeks and she was excited to go to the show. So excited, in fact, that she didn't nap before the show. That posed a small problem, as you'll see in some of the early photos.
Family picture before we left for the show. A HUGE thank you to Grandma Laura for making the girls' Foofa shirts...they were a bit hit!
Izzy eating popcorn, patiently waiting for the show to start

With Grandma & Grandpa
So excited it was starting...
Here comes DJ Lance Rock!
After an explosion of confetti...Izzy was scared!
The whole crew arrived and the partying began
Super Music Friend Show special guests: The Aquabats! They sang their special song "Pool Party"
And now Izzy is all warmed up; dancing in the aisles!
Delaney took her 3rd nap of the day during the show...couldn't believe she could sleep through all of the singing and music
Song about friends & balloons...they did a huge balloon drop from the ceiling and everyone loved it!
Biz Markie came to do "Biz's Beat of the Day" and the crowd went WILD. Seriously. I was a huge fan of his in 7th grade. And here I was, watching him try to get 3 year olds to rap. Awesome. If you want to see his can watch it here:

This is was a nap-less 2.5 year old looks like during INTERMISSION. Um, you can't rile hundreds of pre-schoolers up and then take an intermission. Bad move.
"Party in my Tummy" song...the veggies want to party...
And she's up!

We had so much fun. I shamelessly knew the words to every song and danced as much as I could with a sleeping baby on me. Laura kept looking at me like, "You really like this?!" Hey, when your toddler lives, eats and breathes Yo Gabba learn to love it :) Thanks to Bob & Laura for a very fun day...which ended at the Ft. Wayne Coney Island. Yummmmm. There was a party in my tummy for sure!