Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mish-mosh of pics...

Reading to Izzy and Luke on NYE

Izzy and Luke playing (read: fighting over'd think these two were siblings!)

Izzy playing with Baxter on his bed

This weekend we took down all our holiday decor and did some rearranging in our house. First of all, Mike switched the dining room and the front living room. The dining table that he made for my wedding gift was far too big for the room that it was in. Hence, the change. I've been hanging out in the new (smaller) cozy living room all weekend long catching up on Tivo and napping. There still is a lot of work to be done: chandelier take-down and installation in new DR, pictures to hang and small furniture pieces to purchase to fill some empty space. Love the change. Secondly, Mike put up a shelve in our family room so I could have a place to put my ever-growing collection of framed pictures (our built-ins next to the fireplace were getting packed). It's a work-in-progress, but we're both loving the new changes!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We rang in the New Year with(out) a bang. Last night we had a delicious dinner and a night full of games with our friends, the Fellers and the Falciones. I believe we were home and in bed by 11:30, just in time to watch the ball drop on tv.

With the new year has come new "tricks" that Izzy loves to show off:
-waving and saying hi and bye-bye ALL the time
-giving kisses and hugs
-blowing kisses
-being an Indian
-when holding her sippy cup she wants to "Cheers" with your cup
-clapping when we sing "When you're happy and you know it"
-new signs of "please" and "all done"
-gives high 5 when asked
-and of course, walking up to 8 steps on her own (so what if she's a late bloomer!?)

Here's to a healthy and happy New Year to you all!

Christmas in Michigan

Our final leg of the 2008 tour de Midwest was Michigan to visit my dad. My sister and her family were also there and we had two days full of yummy food and lots of games! I just realized I didn't take any pics of my dad...I will post as soon as my step mom sends more :)
Yet another family pic


Playing with Grandma Anna
Playing with new toys
Showing off her new walking skills
Visiting Nana & Grandfather in their new home

Showing great Nana how she can read (and say ball!)

Christmas in the Fort

After yet another ice storm the day after Christmas and being house-bound...we finally made it to Mike's dad's house in Ft. Wayne. There Izzy was greeted by a pink and purple-clad Barbie ATV. Mike was so I had successfully talked him out of buying this for her, only to be surprised by his dad. I didn't want her to have this...but soon learned that it only goes 2 mph and Izzy actually really likes it!Cruising
Right before bedtime (and the adult white elephant)...Izzy climbed in the middle of all the gifts
Cousin Steve scored the Old Style Light beer sign we re-gifted in the white elephant
The next day and she still loves the ATV
Grandpa Bob's xmas tradition: homemade pizza
Opening up gifts with Grandma Laura
One of her favorite new toys (she is talking on the phone!)

Peering over the loft...she loved this!

Christmas at the Lake

Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa Berger's started out with Izzy's first xmas Eve church service. Izzy LOVED being in the big crowd. She clapped after songs were over, flirted with people in the pews behind us, and crawled from lap to lap the entire time. She was so much fun and such a trooper for staying up late! Clapping before church startedFamily pic

Grandma Berger put a headband in Izzy's hair along with some hair product (!)
Opening presents with Grandma
Lots of walking...

...and lots of falling!

Christmas at Tippy

Last Tuesday we were all packed up and ready to hit the road and head north for our 7 day tour of the Midwest. However, Indy was hit with a severe ice storm and most all of the highways were shut completely down. We ended up cozying in for the night and hoping the next morning would bring better weather. Which it did. So we re-packed and headed up to Lake Tippy to visit the Tynans. Izzy was praying to baby Jesus that we make it there ok
Kelly, Mike, Izzy, Grace, Sam & Bridget

This was on accident (sticker from a toy the kids were playing with), but I looked over and started laughing!

I just love this - both Mike and I come from small(er) families and the most stockings we ever had were 3 on our mantels

Luke and Maggie munching

Izzy and Grace playing
Bridget and Mags
Grace and Sambo
Our trip was far too short...but we take what we can get of the Tynans. We just love being with's like organized chaos. Kids and adults everywhere. Playtime. Naps. Playing in the snow. Digging Grams out of a ditch. Love every minute of it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This little piggy...

Last night Mike and I decided Izzy's hair was definitely long enough for little piggies. Unfortunately we don't have hair ties yet...just bows. But they sufficed. And how cute are her piggies!?!?!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Another cold weekend...

Having fun with daddy

Daddy setting up train around the tree (Izzy loved it, but it didn't last long once Baxter got his paws on it!)
We bought Izzy her first soccer ball (size 3)
Indy had some seriously cold weather this weekend (no snow or ice like Chicago and northern Indiana experienced). So once again, we hunkered down inside and did lots of playing (and ordering take out). Both Mike and I are excited to leave town for the next week...traveling on our annual Tour de Midwest for the holidays. Stopping at the lake to visit Grandma & Grandpa Berger, hoping to see the Tynans at Tippy, visiting Ft. Wayne to visit Grandma & Grandpa McCulloch and finishing our tour in Michigan to see Grandma & Grandpa Keel. Phew. That was tiring just writing that out. Here's to safe travels to all over the holidays!!! Merry Merry!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A few oldies...

I was just checking a very old email account of mine and found that my step-mom sent me these at the beginning of October. They were just too cute NOT to post. Izzy has changed so much since these were taken, it's amazing what a few months can do! Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend. Indy is being hit with lots of rain/ice right I don't know how much fun we can have with this weather. Looks like it'll be another cozy weekend at home. My fave!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Father of the year...

I have a pretty great husband. He cooks. He cleans. He builds and repairs. He decorates... Mike put up the 10 foot tree...
He strung it with lights and helped put the ornaments on...

However, while Mike was putting Izzy to bed on Friday (i.e. change diaper, put jammies on, bottle, book, etc.), Izzy was crying. Loudly. I knew there was no NUK upstairs (I'm trying to keep fewer of them around, as we are trying not to give her one as often) and quickly grabbed one and headed upstairs. As I was racing up the stairs, the crying subsided. I turned the corner to the nursery to see this...

Yes, friends, that is a Children's Tylenol bottle in Izzy's mouth (!). The top of the syringe has a soft nipple on it, EXACTLY the same size nipple of her NUK. Check it out, girl was soothed by her daddy...can you blame him? The things we do to stop the crying :)

And the Father of the Year award goes to...