Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tea for two...

My mom was here for almost a week, and in that week she and Izzy were able to do a lot of quality bonding together. Mom picked up on a lot of her new fascinations, which include lots of reading & pretend play. They took trips to the Children's Museum and also the library, where they were able to explore both of these traits. Mom fed into Izzy's new found interests by reading to her before bedtime for upwards of an hour (this was hard to break Izzy of once mom left!) and buying Izzy a new tea set and pretend food/kitchen accessories. Needless to say, Izzy loves the new toys. She walks around with the little teacups and wants to "cheers" you and pretend she is pouring and sipping. She also pretends to cut the food and eat the faux food. Super cute. We had a great visit with mom and it was hard to say goodbye to her...especially Izzy :(