Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bouncer, party & tomatoes

Mike came home Friday with an early birthday gift for Izzy: a mini bouncer complete with 150 balls! Izzy immediately fell in love and was giggling all night while jumping & playing. Mike claims that "this is just what daddies do," meaning spoiling their kids with extraordinarily large toys that are loads of fun. I suppose it is. Needless to say, we're transitioning our dining room into a play room for the next year. Not only do we not entertain (who has the time or energy with 2 small children?) but the toys are becoming too big and cumbersome for our living room. Should be a fun place for the girls to play while they are home with the nanny!
Loving her new toy
Static hair...Mike found this hilarious
Catching her breath
Daddy joined the fun
Saturday morning I woke WAY too early (considering I only had 5 hours of sleep) to join Jaime & Lori for some garage sale-ing. I scored by finding a double jogger, ballet shoes for Izzy's dress-up repertoire, and 100 milk storage bags (I paid $6 for these - they retail for $40!!!). I was most excited about the storage bags, and my girlfriends thought I was crazy. Anyway, after that excursion, I returned home just in time to join the family for a birthday party for Max Musgrave (2) and Jude Moosbrugger (1). There was pumpkin painting and cupcake decorating for the kids...while there was pumpkin donuts & chili for the adults. Was so much fun to catch up with the entire Musgrave clan.
Sunday afternoon Izzy and Mike picked tomatoes from our garden...Izzy ate the entire (large) tomato on the spot!
And finally, we met Luke & Aunt Gi Gi (Jaime) at the park this evening to get the kids some fresh air (and Jaime & I some girl time). How cute are these two?!