Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mommy's boots, cereal bowl fun & new play room

This week I've been spending a lot of time organizing and cleaning the house, in preparation for my ENTIRE Keel family to be here in Indy for the weekend. Some are staying with us and most are staying at hotels (phew!). It's been raining and cold all week, so it's been the perfect time to be inside cleaning (and snuggling!). With this new weather comes out the boots and cold-weather clothes. My boots were at the back door the other morning and this is what I found Izzy doing...
The boots came up to her rear end...and she could hardly walk in them!
And this is what I found Izzy doing this morning...drinking her milk from her cereal bowl! Ever since I've been home on maternity leave, Mike has been getting up with Izzy in the mornings, allowing me to sleep in while Delaney is still sleeping. The extra sleep has done wonders for my energy during the day; however, it seems Mike is teaching Izzy some interesting new things!
And here are a few pictures from our recent dining room that we converted into a play room. As you can see, we left the armoire in there (it's TOO heavy & fragile to move) and all the wall we didn't necessarily *pimp* out the room to be a total kid-overhaul, as we are planning on this being our dining room once again in the future. Just added some outdoor toys and all her bulky toys that used to be in our living room. Love that there is a kid-sized table/chairs for her to sit and do crafts.