Sunday, April 25, 2010

High School Girls Visit

Two of my best friends from high school (elementary and Junior High school as well!) came down to visit: Erin & Jenny. I hadn't seen either in almost a year (!) and I had been looking forward to this visit for a long time. Per our usual, we played with crafts the majority of the time. We eat, we drink, we chat and laugh while we put together a project. It's just our tradition. Friday night we stayed in and crafted, as I had a long run Saturday morning (in the icky rain). The girls stayed home with Izzy & Delaney all morning and played. By the time I got home, we resolved to NOT go down to the museum, but rather to go to the craft store to buy MORE supplies to make more fun projects. We crafted ALL DAY Saturday. I kid you not. Saturday evening we went out for a late dinner and drinks in Broadripple and had such a fun time. I climbed into bed at 2am and am paying for that tonight. Regardless, I'm so fortunate to have such good friends that have been in my life for 20 years. I love these girls and can't wait to see them again soon!

This is what we did ALL DAY Saturday: Craft!!!

Just a few of our final products

Closeup of what I made for Delaney's nursery

**I'm sad to say that I took ZERO pictures of the girls playing with Izzy & Delaney :(