Friday morning we took the girls to Delaney's 15 month pediatrician appointment (Izzy needed to get her flu mist so I hobbled my way in to help). Laney is growing and healthy and we were told she has advanced language skills. Here are a few of her stats:
Height: 30 inches (25-50%)
Weight: 20 lbs 10 oz (10-25%)
Head: 47.25 cm (75-90%)
Seems she continues to remain petite with a large head. Healthy, nonetheless.
(This picture is THE VERY reason I am getting a new girls are too quick for me to snap anything close to a good picture on my point-and-shoot.)
Also, Laney has about 8 teeth right now and she's getting more molars as we I write this. The other day at the dinner table I discovered a new molar and I got excited and told Izzy that her sister is getting more teeth. To which Izzy replied, "When is she getting more hair?!" I laughed so hard at this. It's true. Laney has a fuzzy head. No real hair to speak of. My mom says I was this way (bald) until I was two. I suppose Delaney has gotten her mommy's hair. Girl, I'm so sorry for that! Here's to getting more hair in the upcoming months!