Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We packed up and headed north to Ft. Wayne on Wednesday afternoon. Everyone in our house was on the upswing of the stomach bug and so were all the families we'd be meeting up with at Bob & Laura's...we were ready for some quality family time. Mike and I headed out on Thanksgiving morning for the Ft. Wayne Galloping Gobbler 4 mile run through St. Francis College's cemetery. This was the first Tgivs (dubbed from Corey) race I'd ever attended and it was comical to see all the festive hats and costumes. I rather enjoyed being a spectator (foot is still on the mend) especially on this day and race. There were entire families running together. Loved watching them start and finish. Made me inspired to watch the first female finish in about 26 minutes. Phew...that's fast. But it sill makes me want to lace up my shoes (as soon as these stitches come out) and hit the pavement.
I'm assuming this is the Galloping Gobbler
Was a very foggy day...Mike finished in about 32 minutes
We then headed home to get ready for the festivities. I tried my hand at my Nana's apple pie recipe, making the crust from scratch. Thank goodness my sister was on call to help me with it...I had to dump the first batch of crust out, as she kept a few of the instructions to herself and therefore the crust was too dry to roll out to the necessary proportions. Anyway, I was darn proud of myself and had to take a before and after shot (just in case the after was dreadful) to prove that I did it!
I must say, it came out perfectly!!! Everyone loved it and I believe I would have made Nana proud with my domestic skills.
Izzy's cousins Jake & Gabe arrived on Thursday and she was just so tickled to have buddies to play with. She so desperately wants to play WITH them but they are about 6 years older than her and really could care less. She is happy just to play next to them.
Family pic of the girls in their new Hanna Andersson dresses
We spent a few hours with Mike's mom on Friday. Don't the girls look so darling? I think Laney is in shock that her sister is touching her without hitting her!
Laney is still quite the snuggle bug with mommy
Chubby feet in patent leather cute!
Friday night we drove downtown to take in a few exhibits: Christmas tree show, local dancers (ages 3 and up) perform their holiday show, the Botannical gardens and a visit with Santa.
Laney and Grandpa Bob
Izzy & Grandma Laura
Laney with Santa. I believe my first 5 years of life I look like this on Santa's lap. Comical.
Izzy warmed up to Santa once he told her he had a candy cane for her.
The atrium of the theatre
Laney & Iz as gingerbread people
Mike had to jump in...can you tell where the girls get their silly side? Love it.
We headed home Sunday morning and tonight we put up the tree. Izzy helped put up ornaments and she got a kick out of it. Love that she always looks in the big bulbs and says she sees herself. She's always been a big fan of the lights on the tree, starting from when she was 3 months old looking up the tree from underneath!
Other than the tree...the stockings and a small mantel piece is the ONLY decor I'm putting up. Just too tired and unmotivated to decorate. Thought it was funny that Izzy's stocking still had gifts in it from last year (as we didn't do a xmas morning celebration at the time we got home we decided she had received more than enough and didn't need to have the stocking. Plus, we didn't want to confuse her.). We'll have to figure out a way to do a morning celebration at our house this year.
It was a fun holiday weekend and I can't say I'm super fired up about going back to work for a 5 day workweek. However, I have one more thing I want to do around the house for the girls; starting a new holiday tradition in our house. I'll post about that soon!!! Have to get it all ready!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Unknown said...

Thanks for coming to the Galloping Gobbler. We hope you will be visiting family in Fort Wayne again next year and hitting the pavement at the Gobbler.

Respectfully -

Mitch Harper
Race Director
The Galloping Gobbler 4 Miler