Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tippy with the Tynans 2011

Three day weekend. Yes, please. Mikey and I took the train into Chicago on Friday morning to catch a Cu.b's game. We literally took a car, a train and a subway to get to Wri.gley. But it was oh, so worth it. Rained a bit as soon as our train got into the city and we had to run through some torrential downpour...however, this rain cooled off the day for us and the sun came out for the perfect day for a baseball game. We very well may make an annual tradition out of this!

Saturday morning after a sticky long run, we headed over to Lake Ti.ppy to see the Tynans who were in from Omaha. Love, love, love spending time with this entire family and we adore how they open their home to us and allow us to share in their family time.
 Izzy took her very first jet ski ride with daddy and she was screaming with excitement the entire time. Let's just say she loved it!
 Mike helped Luke try to get up on skis (behind the jet ski)...Luke got up a few times for bit. Was fun to watch his progress.

 Gracie & Laney playing in the sand
 SAM!!!! So cute.
 Warms my heart to see my friends love on my girls
Bridge took the kids out on the tube...
...and check out Izzy's face! We actually had to stop the boat at one point because we thought she was screaming in fear. Nope. She was screaming that she "loved it so much!" Hilarious.
Iz, Mags, Grace, Lane, Luke
Luke learned how to take Lickety Split (the fishing boat) out this summer and took anyone that was game out for a ride. This night he took his mom and I out for a sunset cruise. Such a rite of passage for him; he's growing up so much!
Bridget and I made a summer tomato and basil pasta salad while the boys made a delicious pork loin on the grill. The girls tried their very first corn on the cob from Sweet Corn Charlie's (local farmer) and loved it!

Izzy was so excited about sleeping with the big kids in the bunk room. After baths we got all the bigs situated and set up in their trundels and bunks...and I'm pretty sure they were up there giggling until 11ish. Don't judge. It, too, is a rite of passage. Like sleep away camp. Bunking with other kids and staying up late laughing (and maybe someone fell out of bed) is all part of lake time.

All 4 girls ended up having the same jammies and Gracie and Izzy even have the exact same monkies (their lovies). So stinkin'!
Sunday morning we boated over to church on the lake. I've been going to Tippy with the Tynans since summer of 2002 and have always abstained from going with them (prefered to sleep in). This year we joined the entire family for a little worship on the lake. The girls enjoyed dancing to the music and Bug enjoyed driving there:

After church we boated our way down to Uncle Pat's house for some waffles and then got suited up for more swimming

Iz and Gracie...two peas in a pod!
Bridget had the novel idea to have a watermelon eating contest and it was a huge hit. HUGE. Hands behind your back and all...
Luke won!

Grace shared the with Iz...a little Dora while they waited for lunch

Our visit was far too short, but we will always take what we can get with the Tynans. Love their parenting style, love their families, love their marriage, and most importantly I love our friendship. Wish we lived closer...but now that the Hu.skers are in the Bi.g 10 conference...we just may have to make some trips back and forth! Love you guys!