Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's a New Day...

Those were the first words Izzy said to me this morning, "Mommy, it's a new day!" Pretty sure she meant a new year, but I suppose it's all the same. A new day, a new year, a fresh start.

My mom has been in town since Wednesday and the girls have been having so much fun with their Grand Roo.
Last night we all headed over to our favorite neighbors' house for dinner; mom and the girls stayed for a few hours then walked home while the rest of us played poker and continued the ever-evolving who's-in-your-hot-tub discussion. Never a dull moment, I tell you, when you put a lawyer, a writer, a banker and a planner together in the same room!
Mike wanted to pretend we were at Prom...
While I wanted to pretend we were at our wedding. We're so mature, I know.
When the clock struck midnight we smooched, drank (more) champagne and set off fireworks that Matt has been wanting to set off for months. Loud fireworks. Ones that I didn't care if they woke up our girls across the street. Everyone played with sparklers while Jill and I tried to master our cameras in capturing the moment with a very slow shutter speed. Was fun experimenting!
Above is Eva and below is Mike (take note of his 8 year old excited face)
Matt trying his hand at it
Mom and the girls baked cookies, finger jello and mini pizzas while she was here. The girls love being in the kitchen with their Roo. They are wearing the smocks my sister and I wore when we were their age!

This loooong break we've been on has given me a lot of time with the littles, time needed especially to monitor some of Laney's behavior that we are concerned about. It's a long story, and I promise to blog about it soon, but until then we are seeing a specialist (pediatric neurologist) in the upcoming week and can't wait to find some answers to our questions.
Yesterday morning, NYE, I was able to join my most favorite girls, the Perfect Strangers for our final run of 2011. You can read Meggie's recap of it here. I'm going to go ahead and say meeting these women and training with them this year has been one of the most special things that has happened to me in 2011. To run with women that truly understand my passion and share in my crazy obsession in running long miles has been an amazing experience. To think, last summer (2010) I was running with Meggie on the trail, just the two of us. And here were are wrapping up 2011 with 13 of us tearing it up out there. I mean, we're not the fastest. But I know we're having the most fun out there. What other running group will dress up in their 80's apparel for a long run (in public)?! I donned a leotard for said run and these girls didn't even bat an eye (although many passerbyers did, trust me). I just love that I have formed a new group of friends that cheer each other on, lift each other up, listen to stories that last for miles, and love each other so much. So special.
The past year has been up, down and all around. I've found love (again), I've suffered loss, I've discovered a new group of friends, I've witnessed my two girls grow up into 4 and 2 year olds and I've learned a handful of life lessons along the way. I'm not perfect, far from it, but I've been doing a lot of self reflection this year and realize I'm just embarking on my journey through life. Lots to learn. Miles to go. Life to live.

Here's to a happy & healthy year ahead! Bring it on, 2012, bring it.


Jessica Jill said...

Very sweet. We got so damned lucky moving across the street from you guys. Been thinking about Laney all'll all be fine, that girl is so tough. xoxoxo