Sunday, January 8, 2012

A weekend of firsts...

After ballet ended last June, we decided to take a break from scheduled activities for a while. We swam all summer and then the holidays rolled around and before I knew it I had forgotten to sign Izzy back up in anything. Izzy asked to try gymnastics again so I looked into going to a new gym. After researching a bit, I decided on a place that focused on skills and tricks instead of playtime for kids that stayed home all day. The moment I walked into the new gym I knew it was the right place to be. Izzy's new class is for 4 & 5 year olds and she was a bit intimidated by the older (taller) kids and the new teacher and environment. But after 5-10 minutes of being shy, Iz warmed up and started learning some very new skills (back bends, backward rolls, head stands and even hand stands). I was enamored by the caliber of gymnasts at this new gym, as I witnessed 5 year olds doing some tricks that I couldn't do until I was 10, and then teenagers doing what I see at the Olympics. And then I remembered why I chose the place...this gym churns out collegiate athletes by the dozens and even sends kids to the Olympics. It's not only fun to watch my little girl learn some basic tumbling skills, it's a blast to watch all the other talented little people. I have a feeling we're going to have fun here (as long as this lasts until Iz wants to go back to ballet!).
Back bends (and even a walk-over)
Forward rolls and balance beams
Another first, this weekend was the Carmel Runners Club inaugural Saturday run. I helped sign in the almost 100 members and then we took some photos for the local paper then were off on our run. The Carmel Marathon is about 15 weeks away and we have training programs for both the full and the half. I'm only running the half, so my mileage was 4 miles. Was fun to meet new people and run on a beautifully mild January morning. I missed running with my regular girls, but I was able to spend time with them later in the day.
Signing in a new member and smiling for the newspaper
Yet another new adventure I had this past weekend was going out with all my favorite running girls in the evening (as opposed to the 6am long runs on Saturday mornings dressed in spandex and visors). We have been planning this night for months and every single one of us were as giddy as school girls awaiting the coveted January 7th evening.

(You can see I also did something else for the first time this weekend; I went dark with my hair. REAL dark. I'd been thinking about doing this for several months and finally pulled the trigger. Also got my eyebrows darkened, another first. I was super nervous about seeing the end results but am happy to say I'm thrilled with how it turned out. I came home and Mike said I need a new name as I look so different! That's what I was going for: drastic.)
We headed down to Bro.adripple to have drinks and a gift exchange at Karen's, exchanging some of our "favorite things," Oprah style.
And then we took a bunch of silly pics that cracked us all up. Was so fun to pretend we were models in front of a fancy camera spitting off flashes like we were on the runway. Great start to a fun night out.

We had dinner at U.sual Suspects and spent several hours there singing, laughing, crying and sharing. My table talked endlessly about how fiercely protective we are of our girls' running group. We want to know who you are and what your story is to determine if we're going to let yo into our inner circle. Rather, let you into our hearts. We hold our little group sacred, as we've seen each other at the lowest of our lows and the highest of our highs. You can't find bonds like this just anywhere. That's why we covet what we have. What we share. What we love. Each other.
To get the full run-down of the night's events, check out Bri's recap and Meggie's recap.

We toasted to all that we accomplished in 2011 and what we have to look forward to in 2012. We danced the night away; sang into large fans to cool off; laughed till we peed (maybe that was just me). We may not all come from the same walks of life and to some we may be a group of mis-matched girls. But to us, we are the perfect storm. The perfect culmination of woman that share a passion for running, but also women that share a passion for bonding. Making connections in the most unassuming of places. We, my friends, are the Perfect Strangers. And I adore what we've built and will cherish all the dance parties and miles along the Mon.on to come.