Sunday, January 22, 2012

We should be somewhere tropical...

For reals. It's gotten cold here. Quick. Went from 50 degree weather a few weeks ago to the teens and twenties. No thanks. I suppose I have to suffer through this in order to get my coveted summer & fall. I'll make it through. Just will complain a touch.

This weekend was the annual trip when my high school girls travel down from Chicago. They come to Indy in the winter and I travel to them in the summer. Not sure how we got on that schedule but it's been about 8 years that we've done it and we're not stopping any time soon.

Great weekend to travel down to Indy from Chicago you say? Not so much. Chicago got hit with a massive winter storm Friday afternoon, just in time for Mary to leave the 'burbs. Took her a whopping 3 hours to get to Jenny downtown. Then another 7 to get to Indy. By the time they got here it was 2am and they were hoping since they'd been in the car that long that they would've ended up somewhere tropical. Not so much. I'm continually amazed at the lengths my girlfriends go to see me (and the girls and Mikey). Although they didn't end up in Florida, we still managed to have a fun weekend together.

I'm pretty sure I only got 4 hours of sleep Friday night (we're dealing with some sleep issues from Laney - don't even get me started...but tonight we're on crack-down, Healthy Sleep Habit style), which made for a long day Saturday. But there was no way I was going to nap while my girls were here. Made some monkey break and waited for the ooey-gooey cinnamon aroma to wake Jen & Mary to come down and play. Several hours of playing later, we packed up and headed to Izzy's gymnastics class.

 During nap time we went out for lunch and a little shopping...and picked up some craft supplies (it wouldn't be a girls' weekend without a little crafting).
  My friend, Bri, introduced me to the timer feature on my camera that takes 10 picture (rapid-fire style) in a row. I'll spare you the crazy antics that went on but trust me, they are priceless. Note Jenny's awesome belt around her waist; this is a $200 ab "contour belt" purchased from a late-night infomercial by Mary. It was pure comedy to watch her use it (every day they were here) and of course Jenny and then Mike had to try it out (I'm dumb, but not that dumb).
 Saturday we collectively decided to stay in; we ordered pizza, played games, and stayed up way too late. Perfect. We crafted for several more hours this morning before the girls left for home. Thankfully the roads were clear and the weather cooperated so they didn't have another 10 hour trek. Loved having them here. Already planning my summer trip to Chicago. Thinking Lolla.palooza in August.
 And because these are just so darn cute, I have to share:

Here's to being somewhere tropical in less than 11 weeks. But who's counting?