Monday, September 3, 2012

Soccer Season...

We're taking a short break from gymnastics this Fall to try our hand at soccer. Izzy has been asking for over a year to play and she's finally old enough for team soccer, so we bit the bullet. It helped that Ellana was signed up...gave us motivation to register.

There are about 12 little 5 & 6 year olds on Izzy's team, some have soccer in their blood (seeing a 5 year old break away and shoot a goal while the other kids aren't even past the center line yet is unreal) and others, not so much. We fall into the latter category. But that's more than ok...have to try everything out to see what Izzy's going to like and what sport her skill set leans towards.

I'll admit, Izzy is too stinkin' cute to watch out there. Her personality shines loud and clear; if someone steals the ball from her she immediately puts her hands on her hips and points her finger saying how much she dislikes that. Then picks up her ball (no hands!) and trots off.
 Above Izzy is in the green top and purple socks, below Luke is dribbling down the field
 Izzy and Ellana
 Laney wants in on the action badly

There were pictures last week and watching these kids pose for their first "team" picture was surreal. I still have my first soccer team's picture from when I was in 1st grade. I still remember taking that first picture...and all the years that followed sucking on orange slices at half time. Hope this season is just as fun for Izzy and she remembers this experience for years to come.