Sunday, March 9, 2008

Playdate with Ellana & Bennet

Tummy time for Izzy & Ellana

Holding hands...
Sandi & Ellana

This last Friday Izzy and I spent the afternoon at Sandi, Ellana & Bennet's house for a playdate. It was fun seeing the girls study each other and perform their tricks. Sandi gave me a lot of helpful tips for feeding Izzy solids and weaning Izzy from nursing (scary!!!). Ellana is just a few weeks younger than Izzy and it was such fun...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

March is here...

Scotty outfit...thanks Kristina!!
Giggling after smooches from mommy & daddy
Favorite part of the day...CEREAL!!!
Second favorite part of the day - BATHTIME!!!

Grandma Anna & Grandpa
Miniature Daschound outfit...thanks Portia & Mindy!!!

This weekend my dad & step-mom came down for a quick visit from Michigan. We hung out, of course, to watch Izzy play and laugh and show off. She has been rolling over like crazy all week..from her tummy to her back. And she's trying hard to get from her back to her tummy. She is SO CLOSE and keeps working on it whenever she is on the floor. Her cereal consumption is at an all-time high...she cannot get enough these days. we come!!!

And I just had to post pictures of some of her new outfits...Izzy had to show off her scottish terrier outfit for Grandma Anna, and the wiener dog outfit for daddy and Katie Monster. There is even a little dog toy attached to the pocket on the bib/overall that she played with and gummed on all day. Super cute!!!

Mike and I celebrated the new month of March with our first long run on the Monon Trail Saturday. We are training for our annual Mini Marathon (13.2 miles) in May. This run was extra fun (and challenging), as we brought little miss Izzy along with us in the jogger. It was a sunny, beautiful day and Izzy slept the ENTIRE run. I think this may be a new Saturday morning nap tradition for her (if we can stand pushing the jogger as the miles increase!).

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Johnny Jump-Up

As Isabelle is getting stronger and stronger...we are able to introduce her to new toys! Her Exer-Saucer is still a lot of fun for her; she continues to amaze us when she jumps, stands and constantly turns in circles to play with toys and watch us & the dogs. With all this activity, we pulled out the Johnny Jump-Up yesterday to see what she would noted in the above pics, she didn't do much of anything! She tasted it (everything goes in her mouth these days) and tried rotating herself in it (like she does in the Saucer). She even stood up in it a few times. No jumping yet. Johnny must be bored :)

Every day is something new with's SO much fun! New things in her repertoire this week include:

- While on her tummy, she has rolled over twice to her back
-Also when on her tummy, she lifts her butt and pulls her knees under her (!!!)
-Eating a LOT of cereal...and it keeps getting thicker and thicker! She loves it and even opens her mouth when the spoon comes to her.
-Watches the dogs intently as they move around her
-While on her back, she lifts her head and shoulders up, as if trying to sit up. No more bouncy seat for this gal, she wants to be upright at all times!
-Sleeps almost 12 hours at night...uninterrupted!!!

Each week she changes so much, it's incredible to see her grow and develop these amazing skills. Can't wait for yet another fun week with girl...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Amelia Island...First Family Vaca

Ryan, Court, Aly, Izzy, Mikey and KellyIzzy's first look at the ocean

Courtney & Aly playing in the sand
Izzy girl's sand experience

Family beach photo
Getting her feet wet
Izzalicious loves her daddy!

Just had to...All dressed up for some cocktails
The girls saying goodbye...for now!
We just returned from our first family vacation on Amelia Island (Florida) with our good friends: Courtney, Ryan & Alyson from Minneapolis. Courtney's parents have a beautiful home just seconds from the beach and were gracious enough to invite us down for some R&R.

We had so much fun over the course of the past 5 days!!! The boys golfed EVERY day while the girls hung out at the beach, the pool, the shops and playing lots of GAMES!!! The evenings were filled with delicious meals, flowing drinks, and lots of laughs. Aly & Izzy had fun exploring each other playing...while Mike and I learned a lot about what life with a toddler will be like in 1 year from now. It was also very special to witness how such a dear friend has blossomed into such a wonderful mother.

We are so thankful for the invitation and the generosity of the Griffin/Noble family for a lifetime full of memories!

ps-LOTS more pics from the vaca on the link to the right

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cereal for dinner...

We have had two nights of cereal here...and Izzy has loved it! She swallows most of what goes into her mouth, and the rest gets spit out. The first night we tried feeding her in the bouncy seat...stripped down, as we had no idea what to expect. But we found feeding her in the high chair was much easier for her to swallow. Girl seems to really enjoy the new taste in her mouth and we have a great time watching her with this new evening event!

Another notable mention, Izzy's acid reflux has disappeared since she has been "upright" in her exer-saucer during play time. I kept reading and hearing this would happen once they are off their backs, and it's true! She seems much happier during and after feedings, and there is significantly less spit-up out of her. Love the progress!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Guess who is 4 months old?!?!?

Isabelle turned 4 months old yesterday!!! And to celebrate, we went to the pediatrician's this morning for some shots!! We have just changed pediatricians and today's visit was the MOST informative visit with Izzy we have ever had. In fact, we spent over an hour there and learned a lot. She is right on track with growth and milestones...we learned that she will crawl a little later than her friends that sleep on their tummies, as Izzy is a back sleeper.

Changes to Izzy's current lifestyle include: starting rice cereal tomorrow morning, no more swaddling for naps and nighttime, and we are to let her cry at night if she wakes (i.e. no more middle of the night feedings or nuking)! We tried this last one last night...she woke at 4am and we let her cry herself back to sleep. Now that I know the pillow over my head drowns her cries out, I can move forward. Plus, they say it only takes 3-5 days of this behavior until she will learn to just stay asleep. We'll see. I feel bad for my in-laws that are staying overnight tomorrow while Mike and I go to a wine and cheese party. Maybe I should tell them to pack ear plugs!

Izzy's 4 Month Stats:
Weight 14 lb. 11 oz. - 75% percentile
Height 25" - 75% percentile
Head 41.5 cm - 75% percentile

Looks like we have a chunky monkey!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Grandparents visit...and other fun pics

Grandma & Grandpa Berger
Snuggling with Grandma

This weekend was my 31st birthday...and to celebrate, Mike's parents came down to spend some time with us and Isabelle. Izzy took a the longest nap ever - nearly 3 hours - while the grandparents waited patiently for her to wake. She was then able to show off all her new toys and tricks (exersaucer et al). We all ventured out to Muldoon's in downtown Carmel for lunch...where you can see Izzy kept herself entertained with her hands constantly in her mouth! Thought the above pic looked like she was trying to whistle!

This picture of Izzy girl in her crib is documented because every morning we find her in a VERY different position than where we left her the night before. We lay her near the top of her crib horizontally and we have been finding her near the bottom of her crib diagonally or sometimes perpendicular! Last night I went in to check on her and her legs were resting up on the bumper and she was fast asleep...Mike and I were trying so hard to not laugh and wake her up. It was just too cute! She must do a lot of movin' and shakin' in her crib...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Izzy's got a new activity...

The Exer-Saucer!!!
Learning to move and shake...
Loving the new toy...
We've officially become THAT house...

We have officially become THAT house...we vowed we would never let it happen. We even had extra storage built into our entertainment center and built-ins in our basement for this very reason. We now have FOUR very colorful, music-making, bulky toys in our living room. Sigh. We have to walk around them, as we can't go over them, we can't go under them (can you tell what our recent favorite book is?!?!) to walk through the room. But what FUN these toys bring to our Izzy girl!!!

Mike pulled the Exer-Saucer out from the basement this past weekend in anticipation for our Florida trip. Our friends we are going down there with (Court & Ryan) said there is an exer-saucer at the house for Izzy...this motivated us to break ours out for a test spin. She loves it! The toys, the 360 degree views, the upright much fun for her (and it gives us yet another option to entertain her)!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cold Weekend in Indy...

Mom & Izzy girl
Grandpa Bob
Luke Duke sleeping on his belly (in the middle of the living room!)Jaime & Luke
Beautiful baby Iz
Katie & Mindy
Katie and Izzy snuggling
This weekend was a CHILLY one here in Indy...record low temps!

We had some visitors on Saturday, Mike's dad (Grandpa Bob) and step mom (Grandma Laura) drove down for the day. Of course Bob (Villa) helped Mike with some household repairs while the girls hung out with Izzy. Izzy showed off all her new tricks: holding and grabbing for toys, TALKING (ba ba and ga ga) and lots of smiling.

Sunday we ventured to Katie & Rick's house to watch the Patriots win (sigh). Kate and Rick are from of course they hosted and gloated (nicely). I just realized I took no pictures of the boys...they were all in K&R's new finished basement while the women/babies were up by the fire. Sorry boys...and thanks to the Falciones for hosting a fun party!

Friday, January 18, 2008

One year ago today...

One year ago today was a very poignant and incredibly amazing day for me: Izzy was transferred back into my body after being created (conceived) in a petri dish just days before. That is the most bizarre thing to say, but it's true.

This was our second time attempting this procedure and we were very nervous, hopeful, scared, you name it. Mike and I had to wake up very early and go in to start preparing for what is called an Embryo Transfer. The doctor showed us a picture of three embryos...each 5 to 8 cells big. One of those embryos was Isabelle...and I'm still in awe that we have a picture of her when she was just a few cells big. The miracle of science is incredible. I'm not a very religious person, but thank God we tried a second the doctor got the science just right the 2nd time around.

It's been one year since Izzy has been a part of our world. We will never forget the journey we travelled to bring her here. I told her this morning while she was nursing and I will tell her for the rest of my life how she was made with love...and a petri dish.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So big...

It's another jammie day at our house...and I just thought I'd snap a few pics of Izzy girl. She is getting so long!!! She talks non-stop (cooing, but we have conversations!), kicks her feet like crazy and bats at her hanging birds. Oh yeah, and her hands are in her mouth quite often. She is growing like a's so fun to witness everyday!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Inaugural Gathering of the Funsters...

Izzy with her (sorority) Grandma!
Molly & Maggie
Clay & Mike
Izzy & Kel
Big girl in her Bumbo!
Last night we had dinner at Clay & Maggie Bowden's house for the first gathering of the Funsters 2008. This is a group of 4 couples that plan 4 outings throughout the year. Maggie got this idea from her parents that have been doing this for years and years...doing many fun things and making a lifetime of memories. We are excited the planning is underway for the year...there are talks of tobogganing, weekend trips to IU and Cincinnati, and camping to name a few. Can't wait to get this started!
Also, Kelly's sorority mom, Brandi Keyton Allen, from IU Delta Zeta is a part of the Funsters (I haven't seen her in almost 10 years!). Crazy what a small world it is! She noticed right away that Izzy was decked out in DZ it.
Go COLTS and IU today...big day for us here in Indy!