Sunday, November 16, 2008

Reading time...

Isabelle LOVES reading..both on her own and on our laps. One of Izzy's favorite things to do is to pull her out her books (which we keep in the wooden box) and either hand them to us to read or sit alone and read out loud to herself. This is a nightly routine that she does just prior bedtime...her winding down. This evening while Izzy was doing the typical sorting and reading, she realized that once the books are out of the box - she could get IN the box. She was so happy with herself, she kept on climbing in and out, in and out. Mike got up and pulled her around the living room, which she thought was too fun. But she soon climbed out and retrieved her books and got back in. She read in there for a while...clapping at herself and thinking she was so funny. Which she was. I just love that she enjoys books and reading so much. She will read them in a box and with a fox and in a house and with a mouse. She will read them here and there. She will read them anywhere!

Early Thanksgiving Celebration...

Aunt Sharla, Uncle Scott and Aunt AndreaGrandma BergerUncle Scott reading to Izzy...which she loved!!! Trying out her first pickle...
And trying her first apple...which she LOVED (see carcass below)
Yesterday we drove up to Ft. Wayne to celebrate an early Thanksgiving with Mike's mom and step dad's family. The food was delicious and simply being with family was so much fun. We played cards until late hours and stayed up chatting even longer! Izzy experienced some new foods: mashed potatoes (which she did not care for-must be the texture), pickles (another one she didn't like), mandarin oranges (she devoured and we have seen remnants ALL DAY) and apples. Izzy loved the apple and would scream if you took it away from her. She also said a new word today: APPLE. I cried.

Go Colts!!!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

The many faces of Isabelle...

Remember how Izzy won't push her stroller with the baby doll in it? It is still getting thrown to the side...Katie Monster keeps baby doll company :(

While Mike and I were away doing Funster activities, my good friend, Lori, came over and watched Izzy ALL DAY. What a sport. Lori has been looking forward to this day for a few weeks...and for good reason. She and Iz had a very fun-filled day, themselves! They went out for breakfast with Molly, played all day, and took a trip to the mall. Phew! Molly was able to capture some pictures of both Izzy Lou and Lori Lou :) They were just too cute NOT to post. A VERY BIG thank you to our favorite new babysitter, Lori. Izzy had a great day...she told me to tell you thank you and she loves you. Muah!

Funsters at IU

Watching the Marching 100 come through with the cheerleaders
A little Flippy Cup never hurt anyoneCornhole
The Funsters
The girls
Warming Up in the car

Ending the day at Nick's English Hut with Sink the Bismark

Yesterday the Funsters reunited for a day of tailgating at Indiana University. We arrived bright and early at 9am to gain a spectacular tailgate spot right next to Assembly Hall (we were able to go inside to use the warm bathrooms!). The day was a chilly 45 degrees, but that didn't stop us from playing Flippy Cup, Cornhole and grilling our lunch. We never did make it inside of the game...we were having far too much fun outside to go see IU get beat (badly) Wisconsin. Don't worry, we did follow the game on everyones' Blackberries :) After a full day of tailgating, we ventured over to Nick's, as what's a trip to Bloomington without playing Sink the Biz? It was a fun-filled Funster day...looking forward to the next one!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Visiting new baby Moose...

Izzy trying to get her hands on JudeSharing her legoTouching the babySnug as a bug in a rug (aka: swaddled) Couldn't leave the boys out...Eric and his buddy, Oscar

Last Sunday we packed it up and went to Broadripple to visit the Mooses. Little Jude is 4 weeks old and I just had to get my hands on him! Isabelle wasn't initially interested in Jude, as there were tons of new toys in a new house. When Iz finally discovered mommy holding another baby, she came crawling over and tried to get her hands on Jude. She was very curious and wanted to share her toys and touch Jude...she is quite the inquisitive explorer.

Meg and her boys are doing very well adjusting to a new life in their home. I just couldn't get over how just 13 months ago I was swaddling & nursing. Felt like a lifetime ago!

Fall is here...

Last weekend was in the mid-70' November! Mike took advantage of the last warm weekend by raking leaves and giving the yard one final mow. After Izzy woke up from a THREE hour nap, we joined daddy in the leaves. Girl wasn't too sure what to think of all the crunching...but she loved the warm weather!!! All week it has been in the 70's, which is soon ending. This weekend's high is 43 degrees. No more bare feet for Izzy Lou....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween...

This year Izzy dressed as a cheerleader for Halloween. We did not trick-or-treat, as she is too young to 1. Eat candy and 2. Get to the door on her own to ask for said candy. Instead, we spent an hour over at Katie & Rick's house while they passed out candy. Katie gave Izzy a Kit Kat and in the first pic you can see that she attempted to eat it, wrapper and all. They even had a real tractor driving through their neighborhood giving tractor THAT's the way to roll on Halloween!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"I run because I can"

Kel, Jaim & Sandi before the race
**Update: Results were posted...I ran my personal best time: 2:03:42 !!!!

This morning I ran my 10th 1/2 marathon: the inaugural Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. That makes me old. At least older than I was when I did my first one, which was in 1999 - I was 22 and living in Minneapolis. I had run in 5k races all throughout my young adulthood with my dad or with friends in college. But for some reason I got the bug to run longer distances post-college. Every year I train and every year I finish. Every year I get stronger. And every year I am reminded why I run these races:

I can.

Jaime and I trained for 12 weeks for this race. During the week we'd do our runs on our own and on Saturday mornings we'd meet on the Monon Trail for our long runs. It was our time together. Away from husbands and kids and everyday monotony. We focused on the road ahead and hugged each other afterwards and headed on our way. I run for friendship.

I know I am stronger today than I was yesterday. Heck, I am stronger today than I was when I was 16. I run for strength.

Because I eat my fair share of junk food, the running allows me to indulge. I burn those calories with each step and know my bones are getting stronger and the calories are melting. I run for my health.

Finally, Jaime and I saw a woman running with all her might this morning...her running gate a bit skewed from what only I could gather was from a disability. She carried her crutches on her back, in case she needed them. I choked up at this sight. And the gal in front of her wore a said, "I run because I can." Enough said. We crazy runners run, if for nothing else, because we can.

This woman inspired me today to keep going when I was in pain....because I can. What inspired you today?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Celebrate everyday miracles...

I called one of my best gals this afternoon to share with her some amazing could call it a miracle. We got to talking about how fortunate we were to have healthy, happy babies. And how much we worried together throughout our pregnancies about the health of our kiddos. little did we know that we'd worry a lot more once they arrived into this world! Anyway, it got us to sharing stories about some friends going through some very difficult pregnancies. Which brings me to the reason for this post. She brought up yesterday's Oprah...

In the blogging world...most of us know the blog 99 Balloons, which is about a little baby boy named Eliot who lived 99 days. If you do not know of this blog, see my side bar -> and read it from the very begninning. It will break your heart at the same time you rejoice with this family for celebrating everyday miracles.

Yesterday this family was featured on the Oprah show (which I've recently been boycotting for some major reasons - but one of my besties told me today that I HAD to watch my Tivo of yesterday's Oprah). Oprah did not disappoint. Rather, she played the YouTube video that Eliot's parents created. The video was basically a summation of their blog. So if you don't have the time to read the blog in its entirety, check out yesterday's Oprah or look up the 99 Balloons video on YouTube. It will bring you to tears, as it did Oprah and myself and millions of others. Eliot's mother said she lived every day of his 99 days on earth being happy. She said she wanted to be sad later...and be happy now - celebrate each day (which they did, literally).

How inspiring. And what a huge reminder for us to live each day for today. Not tomorrow or next year. But bask in everyday miracles.

My Izzy Lou is my miracle. What's yours?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Caught in the act...

Folded in half to get to her books
Climbing in to reach toys
Izzy Lou lets nothing get in between her and her toys...she will go to any length to reach a beloved toy or book. I just had to share some of the pics when we caught her in the act. She's too cute!

Luke's 1st Birthday

Jaime, Kelly, Izzy & Molly
Jeremy & Jaime helping little man discover his cake
Opening his gifts
Izzy Lou peeking through
Reading to girl
Today was Luke's 1st birthday party, and boy was it filled with kids, gifts, toys and FUN! It was the most beautiful Fall day...perfect for celebrating such a special birthday.
Happy birthday Luke!!!