Sunday, August 15, 2010

PARTY!!!! Delaney's 1st & Mike's Graduation

We had a busy weekend preparing for a big celebration in our house: Delaney turning 1 and Mike graduating with his MBA in Accounting. Bob & Laura (Mike's dad & step-mom) arrived Saturday to help us prepare for the party.
Delaney opening her gifts from Grandpa Bob & Grandma Laura: she got a water table (huge hit!) and a walk behind/ride along BUG Radio Flyer (and lots of fun/funky clothes!).
Laney playing The girls helping grandpa put together the water table (check out DJ's high tops!)
Baked two dozen cupcakes to supplement the cake. Please ignore the horrid frosting me when I say these were YUMMY.
Laney's birthday cake and smash cake (can you tell which was homemade?!?)
We had some face painting and tattoos in the shade of the garage
Izzy showing off her face paint and tattoo
Emma helped with the tattoo on Luke
Grandpa and Delaney
Jacob & Jaime
The bounce house was a huge hit...Laney LOVED it
Taking it all in...
Family pic
Brooke after a face painting session
Delaney checking out her bug smash cake
She looks like a clown here!
We had to rush to the bath after this...look at those red forearms!
Izzy sporting her new headband and watch from Aunt Molly
And a lollipop as well!
Katie & Christopher
And it's not really a party until someone gets naked!!! (Had to beat the heat somehow!)
Bobo & Laney bouncing...she loved being popped around
Thanks to all who came to celebrate. Sorry I didn't get pics of everyone there, it was quite exhausting to manage it all. We are ALL pooped from a fun (and HOT) day! Happy (early) Birthday Delaney and (early) Congrats to Mike for completing his MBA.

New haircut & dance party

Last week Mike and I decided it was time to cut Izzy's was getting far too long and with the heat we just had to get it off of her shoulders. I took the scissors out and chopped her chin. After 2 straight evenings of post-bath trim/shape-ups, I decided it was time to take Iz to a profesh hair-fixer-upper. Here is the result:
I had Friday off (and since school started back up and therefore the pool lacked their lifeguards, we couldn't go to the pool!) and so we ventured to the library for a dance party!!! We met Brenna & Jack there where the girls had a BLAST. Oh my goodness...30 straight minutes of dance party USA. Loved it. When we first got there, Izzy said her buddies were there (very few people are considered her buddies; Luke, Tyler, Elissa, Molly, GiGi) and I just brushed her comment off b/c none of these people were at the library on a Friday morning. Until I realized Izzy was giggling with delight and said buddies sitting next to us...their mom introduced herself to us as Elissa's sister!!! Our nanny's sister and her two girls would meet up with our girls once or twice a week for playdates. SO FUN! But I have to admit I was choked up immediately and realized how close these girls had become (holding hands, dancing, hugging, giggling). Made me miss Elissa even MORE than we already do! Was such a treat.

Jack, Delaney & Izzy

Even Delaney was dancing!!!

Laney & Taylor

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pool, block party, and bicycling

Loved this weekend!!! We did most of the usual weekend things we usually do and for some reason I just loved it. I'm a creature of habit and love a good routine, so that's probably why I loved the monotony of the weekend.
The four of us hit up the pool both Saturday and Sunday...we had perfect weather in Indy with minimal humidity. The low humidity made for a very cool and easy long run (11 miles) and all of the weekend's activities more enjoyable.
Laney Bug still loves herself some water!!
Saturday night we took part in our very first block party. We had never gone in the past b/c we'd either been out of town or we didn't have kids to bring along with us. There was a huge bounce house, face painting, crafts and lots of food. We met a ton of our neighbors and made a handful of new friends (and babysitters!). I might even have some new running partners...who knew that there were so many female runners in the neighborhood!?!?
The Carmel Fire Department was there and gave tours of the fire engine, which Izzy loved.
Izzy also tried her first sack race. It was so cute...Izzy did a lot of jumping, just not forward. Girl just jumped in place and made zero forward progress. Hilarious. Obv she didn't win the race!
Sunday afternoon Katie and Christopher came over for an impromptu playdate. Izzy did her best to show off her dress-up skills.
While Christopher and Delaney had fun playing doctor. Um, let's hope this isn't the case in another 15 years!
Both Saturday and Sunday we worked hard with Izzy to learn how to ride her Roadster tricycle. By this evening she was a pro! She still isn't super speedy, but she is riding it on her own and quite proud of herself (so are we!). We're looking forward to the days when we can go on family walks while Izzy is pedaling beside us.
We cycled up and down the sidewalks.
And back and forth down the cul-de-sac.
Izzy was pooped after all that biking!
Laney was quite the cheerleader for her big sis...
This is how we end every night - both girls climb the stairs up for bath time and jammers. I just love how they do so much together.
After baths we decided on a whim to cut Izzy's long locks. Her hair is getting so long and stringy (I'm sorry to say she's got her mommy's hair) and this heat just makes it hard to keep it off her shoulders/back. She's also in a stage where she is taking her piggies out all the time. Problem solved: we cut about 3 inches off! It's now about chin-length again. Makes her little cheeks look uber chubby...I'll post pics soon!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Old friends...

Tonight I had dinner with one of m oldest friends, Mandy. She emailed me last night to ask if I'd be her date tonight for an awards banquet here in Indy. Um, of course I'll be your date! We hadn't seen each other in about 3 years so it was long past time to get together. It's amazing how quickly we picked up where we last dropped off. We were laughing in no time and reminiscing about old times. Mandy and I grew up together in Moon Lake Village back in Hoffman Estates...I'm thinking we met when I was in 3rd maybe I was 7 or 8. Regardless, it had been too long. I was proud to be Mandy's date, as she was awarded with a pretty prestigious sales award for her company. I'm so proud of where you've been and what you've done, Mandy. And I'd be honored to be your date at many more of these dinners. Thanks for a delicious meal at Ruth's Chris and for some belly-aching laughs. Love you, girl!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Better late than never...

A few people have sent me pictures in the last week that I just have to share. First, Andrea sent me a bazillion pictures from her wedding photographer. How thoughtful of her to share these with fun!
Waiting for the bride...
LOVE this pic...Izzy is having the time of her life
Shake 'em if you got 'em
And then Amanda sent me these from the 4th of July at the lake:
Hilarious...sticking out her gut
Love this Bug
Laney was just following suit...everyone else was doing it so why couldn't she?!