Sunday, September 7, 2008

Look who's 11 months old...

Little Miss Priss is 11 months old today...can you stand it?!?! I know I say this each month, but Izzy is at the most fun age right now! Lots of exploring by crawling, rolling, pulling up and climbing. She has such a fun personality...lots of talking and laughing and mimicking. And of course, she wouldn't be a (Keel) McCulloch if she didn't demand an audience. Her favorite things right now include: grapes, strawberries, any book you read to her, Yo Gabba Gabba, dancing, shaking her head no and waving at anyone & everyone.

Izzy and I visited with our dear friend Meg and Oz today...this is the family that I nannied for last year while I was pregnant. It's always so fun to see them and spend time together. Both kiddos napped for several hours, which gave Meg and I ample time for our good old heart to hearts. Meg is due with Moose #2 in 4 weeks (same due date I had with girl)...and I can't wait to meet the little *dude*!

This was our first weekend at home in 4 we spent it relaxing and enjoying this beautiful Fall weather.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

More Michigan pics...

After the race with Carla
Izzy loves her Aunt Kimmy
This girl looooves to eat and doesn't turn any food down!

Grandma Anna & Grandpa Keel
Playing outside under her sun shade

**There are about 200 new pictures on our photo on the link to the right -> "McCulloch Family Picture Site"**

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Doggie Days and the Monon Pool...

Bubby thinking about jumping in, until he realizes this is not the lake
You'd never guess that we have to drag him out of the lake from this pic
Katie, Rick & Remy
Baxter, Mike, Kelly & Izzy
Rem Dog
Yesterday was the last day of summer and the last day all public pools are open. The Monon Pool opened their doors to all (paying) dogs to enjoy the last day of swimming for their "Doggie Days of Summer." The idea was cute. The actual event was poorly planned. There were literally hundreds of dogs running, splashing, playing and sniffing in two pools. Baxter, who is usually a FISH at the lake (we have to give him designated nap times so he won't drown himself) was very unsure of the pool. Go figure. It was definitely mass chaos....and I'm sure we won't participate again. I think Bax gets enough swimming at the lake, where he doesn't have to share the waves.

Annual McCulloch Open in Wisconsin...

Izzy pretending to sleep...she loves having an audience
Great Grandma Linda
Great Grandpa Marcks

Honey Cheerios from a bowl...she was double fisted and loving it
Laughing at Great Grandma Betty singing to her
Captivated by her bedtime stories with Grandma Laura
She loves, loves, loves being read to...she points, turns pages and has big eyes the entire time
Bob and Mike on the course
Family pic
Steve and Grandma exchanged hats!
This past Labor Day weekend we made the trek up to Wisconsin for the Annual McCulloch Open. This year was the 25th Anniversary of the event, so would couldn't miss it. The men golfed while the women shopped and cooked. We also made a special visit to Mike's Grandpa Marcks who met Izzy for the first time.
This was quite a fun weekend for Izzy, as she started pulling up and climbing/crawling OVER anything in her way. So much fun...and I can't believe she's already 11 months old!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Book Club / GNO...

Last night I enjoyed a few hours away from home: the unofficial book club / girls' night out. Book club has been on hiatus for most of the summer and last night was our attempt at starting it up again. I feel like book club always ebbs and flows. But so does happens. So we're officially re-committed to reading. Reading is fundamental, you know.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend in Michigan...

All the second cousins: Taylor, Grace, Allison, Andrew & Dylan
Grandfather, Mike & Dad
Nana & Grace

Self portrait, per usual

Dad's new toy, his kit car: '67 Cobra

Pre-race with Izzy

Kim, Grace, Kelly & Izzy
Sue & Ken (& Iz)
Kelly, Iz and Sue

Last weekend we made a road trip up to Michigan for the annual Crim Race. This is usually a weekend filled with family and friends, and this year was no different. Sue & Ken Peters were in from California, the Wolverton crew were in from Grand Rapids, Nana & Grandfather Keel from their new digs, Carla & Jim from down the street, the Delaneys and Kim & kids from MANY more. I was not a good picture taker this weekend, so I apologize for leaving so many faces out. Anna prepared a YUMMY spread all weekend, so my attention was paid to all the good food (and full coolers :).
The running race was HOT, per normal Crim weather. Ken finished the 10 mile, and the rest of us finished the 5k. This was Taylor's first year running (she did very well) and Dylan's first year running as well. Maybe I'll get some more pics soon from other family stay tuned.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Grandpa Bob's Birthday...

Doing what she does best...rolling
Her legs are always crossed like a little lady
This game was fun - Grandma Laura would talk into the box, then Izzy would mimic
Playing with Grandpa
Stinkin' cute

Yesterday we spent the day with Mike's dad to celebrate his birthday. Izzy played with lots of fun toys (each house brings her fun, different toys to play with!) and experimented with many new foods: birthday cake (strawberry), pudding, and mashed potatoes. Yummy!