Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Annual McCulloch Open in Wisconsin...

Izzy pretending to sleep...she loves having an audience
Great Grandma Linda
Great Grandpa Marcks

Honey Cheerios from a bowl...she was double fisted and loving it
Laughing at Great Grandma Betty singing to her
Captivated by her bedtime stories with Grandma Laura
She loves, loves, loves being read to...she points, turns pages and has big eyes the entire time
Bob and Mike on the course
Family pic
Steve and Grandma exchanged hats!
This past Labor Day weekend we made the trek up to Wisconsin for the Annual McCulloch Open. This year was the 25th Anniversary of the event, so would couldn't miss it. The men golfed while the women shopped and cooked. We also made a special visit to Mike's Grandpa Marcks who met Izzy for the first time.
This was quite a fun weekend for Izzy, as she started pulling up and climbing/crawling OVER anything in her way. So much fun...and I can't believe she's already 11 months old!!!