Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kangaroo Climber...

First impression...timid

Tea party
My mother sent Izzy a gift in the mail this week: a Kangaroo Climber!!! Mike had to put it together inside the house, as it rained almost the entire week in Indy. Izzy's first impression was of shock..then pure excitement! We were finally able to bring the "Roo" climber outside today (the hat that Izzy has on wasn't b/c it was cold...rather, Izzy loves playing dress-up and hats are her fave). As you can see, Izzy likes to have little tea parties inside. It's just perfect for her, as she loves to climb on anything and everything these days. Thanks for the perfect gift, mom!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day...

Hanging out in the backyard while mommy sits in the sun and daddy works in the yard
Izzy FINALLY loves the slide at the park...on her tummy!
Daddy trying to teach her to go down on her bottom, face first (she was not a fan)

The look on her face when she goes down...
This weekend was a very enjoyable one in our house...we spent the weekend mostly outdoors. Saturday Mike spent the ENTIRE day in the yard (planting a garden, planting flowers & trees, laying 6 yards of mulch, etc.) while Izzy and I took a long walk and garage-saled. Izzy and I also helped Mike plant 6 dozen flowers...she helped dig holes. And eat dirt. So cute. It must have worn Izzy out, as she proceeded to take a 4 hour nap (I got a long nap in, too!). Saturday night we went over to the Fellers for dinner and a fun playdate. Thanks for the YUMMY ribs!!!

Sunday morning had a great start...Izzy and Mike let me sleep in. Late. It was delightful. We went to Bub's for breakfast and took a long walk on the Monon Trail. The sun was very warm, so while Mike went back to work in the yard, Izzy and I played on the back deck. We pulled toys and bubbles outside and she was in heaven (so was I, I had the belly out...tanning!). After her nap (and mine) we headed out for another walk to the park. Seems she has warmed up to the place and it was hard to get her away! She learned that going down the slide on her tummy is lots of she'd climb up the stairs and slide down. Repeat. Times 20.

I think Izzy is starting to realize something is happening to me, as my belly is growing and my belly button is protruding. Iz has taken to giving my belly kisses and strawberries (I grew up calling them zerberts) and then we all laugh until she does it again. She knows where the baby is when we ask....she'll point to my belly. Then hers.

It's been a perfect Mother's Day in the McCulloch house. I hope all our moms and our mom friends had a special you all!

And finally, to my lovie, Isabelle: you have brought me the greatest joy in all my life. I waited so long to meet you and the past 18 months were WELL worth the wait. I love you and I love being your mother. Nothing in this world makes me more proud.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Shower weekend...

The mother-of-honor, Katie, and I...minus our pregnant bellies

I had a sign-in mat for all the guests. Pic of Katie and her mom, which will be replaced with a pic of Baby Falce.

Decor...idea taken from Martha Stewart...I hung these cut-out circles from light fixtures and chandeliers throughout the house.

Baby banner with pics of Katie as a child

My gift to Katie...hand-sewn burp cloths and some other essential items

Cake to match the invitation

Decorated water bottles, another idea taken from M.S.
Decorated dining table...but the weather was so nice, we were able to eat outside!

A very tired Izzy, who helped me get ready for the party...she and daddy went to Katie's house during the shower to hang out with Rick. Iz snoozed the entire 3 hours!

Izzy cruising in the backyard

This weekend was a busy one in the McCulloch house! Mike ran the 1/2 marathon (in 1:52) while Izzy and I prepared the house for a baby shower for our friend Katie. The shower was a huge success and lots of fun. Thanks to all my girlfriends who helped to make the shower perfect! Other than that...we just spent a lot of time outside (weather was 70 degrees) on walks and in the hammock (while Mike worked in the yard). I was very envious of all my friends that ran the Mini this year...but I know I'll be there next year. Just seems a lifetime away, as I'm just 23 weeks pregnant and have a long way to go until I can start running again. Regardless, great job to all my girls who know I'm proud of you!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

First trip to the lake this summer...

Izzy walked up and down the stairs ALL weekend. We finally had to barricade them off from her!
Izzy's favorite new word and activity: BUBBLES!

Izzy and Grandpa Berger blew bubbles for a LONG time

Izzy found a new way to use the beer coozies. Creative.

Driving the boat with Grandpa

Another one of Grandma Berger's fine hair styles. Mike and I were sleeping in. We woke to find hair gel and accessories in Izzy's hair. Can you tell she always wanted a little girl?!

Driving the boat with daddy
Stinking cute!
Getting used to wearing dresses...
Believe it or not, she is actually slimming down :)
We had a wonderful family trip up to the lake this weekend. The weather was in the mid 80's and perfect for boat rides. The water was still a bit too chilly to swim we found other activities to pass the time: boating, bubbles, popsicles, up & down stairs, and long walks. Was a very relaxing weekend and we can't wait to get back for more lake time real soon!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Busy weekend...

Playing with puzzles at the library
More puzzles

Luke found the jewelry basket!

I love how Izzy is looking at Luke in this pic

Izzy would slide first, turn around and great Luke on his way down
Luke LOVES swinging...
Izzy does not
Timid at the Children's Museum's carousel
Iz and mommy

Jaime & Luke in the tree house
Izzy kept on peering out of the oversized playhouse, her fave
Luke wasn't a fan of the playhouse
This weekend boasted beautiful weather and lots of fun activities for us. Friday night we had friends over for a long walk and dinner. Saturday was 77 while Mike was out on a long run, Izzy and I walked to the library for reading/song hour. My mom had taken her last week and said it was quite an event, so we had to check it out. Izzy loved being read to and singing/dancing with lots of other kids. Super fun, and I can see us there a ton in the Fall when I'm home with a new little babe.

When we got back home, Izzy went down for a nap and Luke came over for a few hours while Jaime went to a wedding. It was so fun to watch a little boy play...he threw balls and played more quietly than Izzy does (she's a rambler/mumbler). As SOON as Izzy woke up, I grabbed Luke and we went up the the nursery...Izzy was ear-to-ear grinning and Luke ran to the crib and tried to push his head through the bars of the crib to get to Iz. I swear they are best friends, it's too cute. Izzy was so excited to see him that she couldn't even sit in her high chair for a snack. So we immediately loaded the two kiddos up in joggers and took them to the park. Having Luke there with her made her a bit more ambitious: girl went down the slide and ran all over the park b/c that's what her best bud was doing. During a drink/snack break, Luke even kissed Izzy...I cried. Watching these two grow up together is just priceless.

Sunday was rainy so we headed downtown with the Fellers to hit up the Children's Museum. Mike had just been there with Izzy (and my mom) so he knew what she liked and didn't. The carousel wasn't among her favorites. But we tried it anyway...and she was timid, but tolerated it better than last time. She, of course, found every play house in the building and was hard to tear away from the faux food. Nonetheless, it was a fun visit and we'll be headed back there soon...both the Fellers and us have memberships now! Fun!!!

Izzy's 18 month check-up

Isabelle turned 18 months old a few weeks ago and we celebrated with a trip to the pediatrician. Was fun, as my mom was able to go with us and witness the fun of bringing Izzy to the doc. She truly is a ham and loves any attention from new faces. Quite the show-off, she is. Her 18 month stats are:
-Weight 23 lbs 11 oz (50% percentile)
-Height 30 3/4 inches (20% percentile)
-Head 47 cm (75% percentile)
She continues to grow and maintain a steady pattern on her growth charts. Darn if that head won't stop growing, though!!!