Monday, June 8, 2009

More weekend pics...

Izzy trying on her new shades and halter top from G&G Keel
Tomboy look

Sweet cheeks

African Experience
The look on Izzy's face is priceless
My step-mom, Anna, sent me more pics from the weekend & I just had to share!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dad's weekend in Ft. Wayne

Backyard fun
Daddy trying to get Izzy to run through the sprinkler

Not happy after she ran through

Splash park

Even Mike enjoyed it
Grandma Laura

Dinner with Grandpa Keel

Ice cream!
Reading with grandpa

Peacock that greeted us at the Ft. Wayne Children's Zoo

Entering the new (and incredible) African Experience

Looking at the lion with Grandma Laura

and the leer cat with Grandma Anna
Izzy LOVED all the drums
But didn't love the giraffe (it licked her!)
Unsure of the train ride
This weekend we headed up to Fort Wayne on Friday morning to spend time with both of our dads. We had such a fun weekend packed with events: long walks, splash parks, backyard fun, yummy food, and an incredible zoo. Was so special to be able to celebrate an early Father's Day with our dads!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun weekend in Indy

Saturday morning Izzy and I walked to Bub's Cafe on the Monon to meet Cheryl and Deanna. We three women used to meet monthly when we were all going through fertility a few years ago. These days, it's very hard to get all of our schedules together, as Cheryl has twins, D has a 19 month old and so do I. Was so much fun to get together and catch up. Miss these girls!
Wading in the pool
Grandma Berger & Iz
Izzy loves the water shutes
But she loves the slide even more! (Check out that face!)
Getting on her feet at the bottom
Lazy river rondezvous
More lazy floating
This weekend was a FUN and busy one in Indy. Saturday morning Izzy and I took a long walk to meet some of my girlfriends for breakfast. When we returned home, Grandpa Bob (Mike's dad, aka Bob Villa) was out the house helping Mike put up a new back splash in our kitchen. Several years ago we put in a back splash and over the years we have grown to dislike it. Mike tore that down this week and put up bright white subway tile. It looks incredible and brightens up the entire kitchen. They also took out our stainless steel double sink and installed a bright white one-tub sink and new faucet. Honestly, those two changes have made the kitchen look 100% different. We love it. I'll post pics as soon as Mike puts the grout on and it's completed. While the boys were doing this project, Izzy and I headed to the pool.

Sunday we headed to the pool and were quickly surprised by a visit from Grandma & Grandpa Berger!!! Izzy was overjoyed to see them and spent a lot of time playing and showing them her tricks (read: going up and down the slide numerous times!). They all enjoyed the lazy river and then several trips down the big water slides. Izzy and I sat poolside watching (and listening to Grandma scream the entire way down) them enjoy the slides. Was so much fun.

This evening we went down to Broadripple to spend the evening with our dear friends, the Moosbruggers. I am sorry to say I forgot my camera (I know! Not in my character!) and missed a lot of good pics. Oscar played very well with Izzy in his backyard (filled with toys and playground), the adults ate the most delicious meal, and I was able to snuggle all over baby Jude. He. Is. Edible. Wish I had a picture to prove it. Was such a wonderful visit with some great friends.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pool pics

Last night Mike was able to join Izzy and I at the pool (and therefore I could finally take some pics!). The pool is open until 8pm, and these days Izzy is staying awake until 7:30 or so...which makes it possible for evening trips to the pool. Once again, Iz loved the water toys and the lazy river. She didn't, however, enjoy daddy dunking her underwater. Seems she has forgotten that skill from last summer. Already excited for another pool weekend in a few days!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Hostess Karen and Holly
Three pregos: Amber, Katie & myself
The boys, doing what they do best
Tea party anyone?
Self portrait
All girl
Brian playing with Iz...right before a major blowout (in white pants, of course!)
Izzy loved having a house full of kids...she kept on following them and staring at them
Izzy & Holly goofing around (Iz loved having the goggles on!)

This weekend we had a houseful of guests and handful of fun! Saturday morning Izzy and I met Jaime & Luke at the Monon pool for Opening day (while Mike and his crew had their annual golf outing). Both Iz and Luke were like fish to the water...they walked right in and continued to play all afternoon. They loved the fountains, the water toys, the water slide and especially the lazy river. As Jaime and I were walking to our car (headed home for naptime) we both were grinning ear-to-ear...we had so much fun!!! This summer is going to be leaps and bounds different from last year; our bambinos are MOBILE this year and walking through the water playing, while last year they weren't even crawling at the pool. So. Much. Fun. Can't wait for many more days like this at the pool this summer!

Saturday night our guests arrived: the Diaz family from Michigan and Lou from Nashville. We headed over to a great BBQ at the Zurcher house where we caught up with the University of Evansville crew.

Sunday the boys woke very early to head down to the Indy 500 while Holly and I slept in with the kids. When we were all up, we headed to the park and then to the pool (met Jaim & Luke again). Samantha loved the diving boards, Max loved the kiddie slide, and Iz loved watching them all. When the boys returned home from the race, we hosted dinner at our place. The Morses and Zurchers joined us for some backyard fun. Izzy loved having all the kids at our house and stayed up extra late to play. The adults also stayed up VERY late laughing and telling stories. Wish everyone lived closer so we could do this more often!

All-in-all, we had an amazing weekend with old friends. This was the beginning to a great summer to come. Next on our agenda: get Izzy's big girl room ready. We want to move her in a big girl bed in a new room sometime in July. Wish us luck!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First 3 day weekend of the summer...

With the start of the summer, my job allows me to "flex" every other week and get a Friday off. This week was my first 3 day weekend of the summer and it was perfect timing: Mike and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary on Friday! To celebrate, Mike, Izzy and I went downtown to the Childrens' Museum for the day. Izzy discovered the water table and sandbox, which she loved. We followed the trip up with some McD's and a very long nap. Then a trip to the pediatrician to learn that Izzy has a double ear infection and a sinus infection. Explains her cough (post nasal drip) and irritable demeanor the last month. Poor girl. Have her on antibiotics now and she already seems to be feeling better. Friday night we sent Izzy to my bestie's house (Jaime) for a girls' night while Mike and I went out to dinner and shopping. Thanks, Jaim, for letting us have an adult night out!

Saturday & Sunday we spent the majority of the days outside playing and walking, taking advantage of the beautiful weather. We met the Morse family out this morning at the park:
Other than that, the only news to report is that we had our 6 month OB appointment last week and baby Mac #2 is still doing very well: healthy and strong. I was excited to learn that my weight is exactly the same now as it was at 6 months with Iz. In the grand scheme of things, that's not important, I know. I'm just having a hard time NOT running these days and to know that I'm right on track makes me happy. We also learned that this next baby will come even quicker than Izzy did. Doctor told me that my (active) labor will be about 1/2 the time it was with Izzy (which was approximately 9 hours) and this baby will come with just about the same, if not less, pushes that Izzy did. Um, Izzy came on the 3rd or 4th push. I'm nervous this baby will just fall out of me :) Guess I'll have to stay close to home near the end!