Monday, September 7, 2009


Today we celebrated the end of summer by going to the Children's Museum. (It was a touch too chilly to go to the pool this morning, to our dismay.) Let me tell you how long it takes for us to get out of the house as a family of 4...packing a diaper bag, snacks, lovies, finding strollers, and then packing all these items and the kids into the car takes a LONG time. By the time we actually pulled out of the driveway I was exhausted! But it was worth the hassle...Izzy had a great time at the museum and I just relished watching her enjoy herself. Mike took her on the carousel (which I learned used to be in Broadripple Park!) and each time the ride ended, Izzy asked for more. Mike would walk her around to each horse (which she gently pet) until she found her next victim. I believe they rode 3 or 4 consecutive times until Daddy called it quits.

We all came home to take naps (somehow all 4 of our naps coincide at the same time each day, which is DELIGHTFUL) and then a trip to the park for mommy and Izzy. Thought I'd include a picture of Laney Lou...doing what she does best - snoozing.
Sad that today is officially the last day of summer, as we really didn't have a traditional Indiana summer (which is normally hot and humid). A mild summer meant not many pool days. Yes, we went to the pool every opportunity we had; however, it just wasn't enough for it to feel like a good, long, hot summer. The next 3 months holds my maternity leave...and the Fall. I LOVE the Fall. Fall means leaves changing colors and falling, breaking out the snuggly clothes, pumpkin farms, carmel apples, Izzy's BIRTHDAY and much more. Three months will turn Laney into a chubby baby. Three months brings Thanksgiving. Here's to a fun and relaxing next three months at home with my family!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 1 & a holiday weekend at home

Week 1 as a family of 4 has been one of transition in the McCulloch household. Figuring out how to maneuver, travel, feed, clean, etc. with an extra person in the house has been a challenge. Delaney still is a great sleeper, only waking twice a night to nurse and then right back to sleep. However, me trying to find activities to keep Izzy (and myself) stimulated is a challenge. We're working on it...
Laney has had a few sponge baths...which she is not a fan of. Just waiting for that umbilical cord to fall off so we can put her in the water.
Just a cute pic of Iz
And here is Izzy in her sister's bouncy seat. I occasionally also find her in Laney's car seat!
Regression at its finest
And Izzy nursing her baby doll...complete with Boppy
Thursday night Luke & Jaime brought us dinner and more importantly - company!!! (Do you love Luke's hat!?)
Luke was even dressing Katie up
Friday Meg brought us some dinners and again - company!!! Izzy loooves her some Meg!
Saturday we ventured to the pool. Was a little chilly....but that did not stop Izzy from swimming!
Laney didn't open her eyes the entire time we were there. Guess she'll have to wait until next summer to see the pool.
LOTS of sliding with daddy
Saturday we went to a BBQ at the Morses' house. The kids played non-stop until late hours. Chalk, sand and mulch were a few items found all over these kids by the end off the night. Was so much fun...
Izzy & Ellana playing
One very hot and disheveled Izzy
Delaney & Christopher snoozed the entire time we were there

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Beginnings...

This Monday was Izzy's last day atthe Goddard School. We pulled her out so I could spend time with her while I'm home for 3 months and then to stay home with our nanny and Delaney for a year. Cost savings, big time. We have every intention of putting both girls back there in January of 2011, as we've seen how much Izzy thrives there and loves it (as do we). picking her up on Monday was very emotional for me, as it was bitter-sweet to see her leave her friends and teachers she loves. I was crying and so were her teachers. Was a tough day.
Peeking in on her playing and then a tearful goodbye
However, Tuesday presented Izzy's first day of pre-school and our emotions took a turn to a happier place! Izzy loves wearing her "gackpack" and even fell over backwards when we put it on her. There wasn't even a lot inside...just a change of clothes and diapers/wipes. But she had to get used to the new center of balance the "gackpack" presented :)
Ready for school
Dropping her off was quite different from what we're accustomed to at Goddard, where Izzy would run into her classroom without looking back. This pre-school was the first time for most of these kids to be away from their parents. Which meant it was a BIG day for them; dressed up in their Sunday best and clinging to their parents' legs. Izzy walked right into her classroom and started playing. Said goodbye to me and that was it. She was alone in her classroom while the other kids hestitantly waited in the hallway. It was quite the change. When we picked her up, she had LOTS to tell us. She kept on babbling about her day (in her own language, untranslatable), so we knew she had a good time. Phew.
Now, if you'd like to know what Delaney is up to...
Sleeping and more sleeping...
Seems as if we have quite the sleeper on our hands. We try (to no avail) to keep her awake after feedings during the day. She has other plans. The last two nights she has only woken twice, only to go right back to sleep. So far, I'm well rested. But this could all be a fluke. We're holding our breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But hoping she'll be just as easy of a baby as Izzy was.

We had a weight check yesterday at the Pediatrician's and she is already back up to her birth weight (!!!), which means she is feeding very well.

And Izzy's life hasn't really changed much with Delaney's arrival home. Izzy is quite unfazed by it all. However, when it comes to diaper changing time, Izzy is a huge helper. She will get the diaper, wipes and changing pad for me AND throw away the dirty diaper for me. She's already a great big sister!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Coming home...

So tiny!
The hospital makes every baby a Birthday cake
On our way out
Excited to see her new baby sister at home!
Checking her out
This pose didn't last long...Izzy stood up right away!
Izzy was more interested in rocking in "Yaney's" car seat
Baby Laney brought Izzy a Little People house...something she plays with at her grandparents for hours on end. She loves it...wakes up and wants to play with her "house." Izzy is also curious when I'm nursing...she'll bring her baby over with either a bottle to give her or pull up her shirt to feed her. How quickly they learn!

Our first night at home was mostly sleepless. I have a feeling they'll be like this for a while, until Laney figures out her days and nights. Or until we figure out what soothes her back to sleep. Wish us luck!

Time at the hospital

This time around, recovering at the hospital was a VERY different experience; we had far fewer visitors, we had one VERY fun visitor (Izzy Lou), and we sent Delaney to the nursery both nights for the ENTIRE nights. Got two full nights' sleep. Was incredible. Loved the time there. The entire nursing staff is incredible. And so is the cable...we watched almost every movie available :)

My girlfriend, Molly, took some amazing shots of us at the hospital. There are almost if you'd like to see all of them, check out our Family Picture Site on the right. She is a great friend and an amazing photographer. We heart Molly. Check these out:
A smooch for Mommy
So excited
Izzy wanted to try on Laney's hat
Izzy loving on her new sister
Izzy's excited face over meeting her new sis
Some goofing off with daddy
She's the big sister
Grandpa Bob & Grandma Laura
My very best friend...Aunt Jaime (or as Izzy says, Gi Gi)
My other best friend, Aunt Kimmy (or as Izzy says, Ki Ki)
Grandma Anna and Grandpa Keel
Ricky, Christopher & Katie visited us
Lori Lou holding Laney Lou
And finally, Molly. Thanks for taking some amazing pics!