Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 1 & a holiday weekend at home

Week 1 as a family of 4 has been one of transition in the McCulloch household. Figuring out how to maneuver, travel, feed, clean, etc. with an extra person in the house has been a challenge. Delaney still is a great sleeper, only waking twice a night to nurse and then right back to sleep. However, me trying to find activities to keep Izzy (and myself) stimulated is a challenge. We're working on it...
Laney has had a few sponge baths...which she is not a fan of. Just waiting for that umbilical cord to fall off so we can put her in the water.
Just a cute pic of Iz
And here is Izzy in her sister's bouncy seat. I occasionally also find her in Laney's car seat!
Regression at its finest
And Izzy nursing her baby doll...complete with Boppy
Thursday night Luke & Jaime brought us dinner and more importantly - company!!! (Do you love Luke's hat!?)
Luke was even dressing Katie up
Friday Meg brought us some dinners and again - company!!! Izzy loooves her some Meg!
Saturday we ventured to the pool. Was a little chilly....but that did not stop Izzy from swimming!
Laney didn't open her eyes the entire time we were there. Guess she'll have to wait until next summer to see the pool.
LOTS of sliding with daddy
Saturday we went to a BBQ at the Morses' house. The kids played non-stop until late hours. Chalk, sand and mulch were a few items found all over these kids by the end off the night. Was so much fun...
Izzy & Ellana playing
One very hot and disheveled Izzy
Delaney & Christopher snoozed the entire time we were there