Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trip to the Pediatrician

Friday we took a two hour long trip to the Pediatrician for Izzy's 2 year check-up and Delaney's 2 month check-up. Izzy was a star patient, as she was showing off all her tricks (downward dog, singing the ABC's, dancing, et al) and sat still for all the poking and prodding that comes with the check-ups. She is in picture perfect health:

Height: 32.5 inches 10-25%
Weight: 25.5 lbs 25-50%
Head: 48.5 cm 75-90%*

*Can you believe the girl can hold up her head with those percentiles?!*
The Pediatrician said this was the last time they'd be measuring her head, as the skull bones have 100% fused together by now. We were happy to hear this, as we KNOW her head is big on the charts...we're ready to move on :)

Other notable mentions, Izzy is now *going* potty on the big girl potty more than 3 times a day! Looks like we'll continue this training and get her in "big girl" undies in the next few days! Such a big girl. The above pic is what she wanted to wear on Saturday morning. I love that she had to accessorize the outfit with the bracelets. Like THAT'S what we're looking at :)
As for Delaney's check-up, we learned a great deal about her from this visit. We thought she had been battling a cold the last 2+ weeks, as she has some gurgly breathing and a cough. Turns out this gurgling is really food coming back up her throat and the cough is to try to clear the food from her throat. Poor girl. This is called "silent reflux" and we're now treating it with Pri.losec. Also, we learned that her irritable & fussy behavior all day long is due to the fact that she is TERRIBLY gassy. The doc listened to her belly and said there were LOTS of bubbles trapped in there. Poor girl. We now us Myl.econ before EVERY feeding and she is a brand new baby. Swear to you that she is 95% less fussy now. Mike and I are relieved and getting more rest just in the last 2 days...let's hope this lasts! On a down side, she has YET to take a bottle from either of us. We've tried numerous different brands and techniques, to no avail. I am getting nervous about returning to work, as the nanny will have a rough go at it to get her to take a bottle. If anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them. Otherwise, she is in great health as well:

Height: 22 inches 25-50%
Weight: 10 lbs 9 oz 50%
Head: 39.25 cm 50%

Please note that Delaney's head is in the AVERAGE/NORMAL percentile. Phew.
Daddy & Delaney
This is what Delaney does very peacefully and effortlessly now: nap. We used to have to do all types of swaddling/shhhing/shaking to get her to we just swaddle her and she is on her way to tucky town! Like I said, totally different baby.
And here is Izzy cheering on the Colts to another victory. In her words, "GO COLTS!"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Brunch to celebrate Izzy's Birthday

This morning we hosted brunch at our house to get one last get-together with the Keel family and to celebrate Izzy's 2nd birthday. We had a delicious spread of food and drinks...what a wonderful way to finish off a fun weekend with family.
Grandma Laura and Grandma Anna with Delaney and Izzy
Izzy telling everyone she is TWO!!
Our first and only family photo of the 4 of us. Can you believe we didn't even get one in the hospital?!
Izzy was chomping at the bit to open her gifts...we kept finding her touching them and peeking into bags! She's her mother's daughter for sure!
Opening was a YO GABBA GABBA theme with gifts; she received YGG dolls, big girl undies and DJ Lance's boom box. Needless to say, she is in Yo Gabba Gabba heaven. Seriously.
Izzy with Great Grandfather and Great Nana
Izzy with Grandpa Bob & Grandma Laura
Playing with DJ Lance's boombox...such a hit!!! Thank goodness there is a 2 level volume control on that bad boy!

And I couldn't leave this picture out; Delaney staring up at her Grandpa Keel. So stinkin' cute!

Saturday's Memorial

Saturday morning my house full of 9 people woke very early to attend memorial and funeral services for my great Aunt Jane. The burial was at Crown Hill Cemetery. Beautiful day for a beautiful memorial. Then we headed over to her church for the service, which was also a beautiful celebration of her long 90+ years here on earth. I'm sorry I don't have pictures of the 30+ family members that were in attendance...only my immediate family.
The entrance to Crown Hill Cemetery...the leaves were gorgeous
Taylor and her Great Nana

Playing the piano
Izzy with her Grandparents
Saturday evening the boys headed out to an Indianapolis Ice game while the girls stayed at home doing girly things (making cupcakes, catching up and general girly gossip). Pictured above: Gracie, Lisa, Allison, Kim & Taylor. Lisa is my 1st cousin and Grace & Allison are 2 of her 3 kids.Had to sneak in another pic of Izzy attached to Dylan

And of course, Delaney was with us the whole day as well. She slept from the time we left the house at 8:30 until the time we returned at 1:00. She didn't even know we left the house!

Family starts rolling in on Friday...

Friday morning and afternoon my family started rolling into town. It began with my sister in the wee hours of the morning, so when Izzy woke up and found out her Aunt KiKi and cousins Taylor & Dylan were asleep in her house...she went crazy! As you can see from some of the pictures, Izzy has a huge infatuation with Dylan...she wanted nothing to do with anyone all weekend except for him. Was cute.
Izzy snuggling Dylan
Waiting for family to arrive with her cowgirl hat on
My dad holding Delaney
More snuggling with cousin Dylan
Nana, me, Anna, Aunt Celeste, Kim & Delaney
Cousins: Erin, Kim, Me & Shelly
Izzy *dining* with her second cousin, Reese

The men hung out in the basement doing "man cave" things. We had a low-key evening with pizza, salad and Paradise Bakery cookies. The *littles* played in (read: terrorized) the new play room and chased each other around the house. There were 5 second cousins under the age of 4 that night.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mommy's boots, cereal bowl fun & new play room

This week I've been spending a lot of time organizing and cleaning the house, in preparation for my ENTIRE Keel family to be here in Indy for the weekend. Some are staying with us and most are staying at hotels (phew!). It's been raining and cold all week, so it's been the perfect time to be inside cleaning (and snuggling!). With this new weather comes out the boots and cold-weather clothes. My boots were at the back door the other morning and this is what I found Izzy doing...
The boots came up to her rear end...and she could hardly walk in them!
And this is what I found Izzy doing this morning...drinking her milk from her cereal bowl! Ever since I've been home on maternity leave, Mike has been getting up with Izzy in the mornings, allowing me to sleep in while Delaney is still sleeping. The extra sleep has done wonders for my energy during the day; however, it seems Mike is teaching Izzy some interesting new things!
And here are a few pictures from our recent dining room that we converted into a play room. As you can see, we left the armoire in there (it's TOO heavy & fragile to move) and all the wall we didn't necessarily *pimp* out the room to be a total kid-overhaul, as we are planning on this being our dining room once again in the future. Just added some outdoor toys and all her bulky toys that used to be in our living room. Love that there is a kid-sized table/chairs for her to sit and do crafts.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hunkering down at Home...

This weekend was a very relaxing one in our household. Friday night our friends, the Falciones, brought us over dinner. I was able to snuggle on their little man (Christopher is 12 weeks old) and envy the fact that they are "over the hump" in regards to the fussy first 12 weeks. I am READY for the fussy evenings to be over. Not. Fun. But we're halfway there...

Holding Christopher

Cute shot of Izzy Lou

Over the past few days Jaime has been out of town, so we've had Luke at our place a few times. Izzy LOVED having a playmate and I LOVED having him over to wear her out. Plus, the two of them together is quite simply so stinkin' cute. They fight over toys like brother and sister, but they know each other so well that to watch them play and "talk" to each other is priceless.
Luke got Izzy a little kitchen kit (as she loves to help daddy cook and pretend cook) that has "Chef Izzy" on it and a ton of real cooking utensils (wooden spoons, spatulas, wire whisk, et al). She loves it and carries it around with all her supplies.
Showing off
Izzy always has to be doing what Delaney is doing...tummy time and all!
Saturday morning we went to a Fall Festival in Carmel (pony rides, fire trucks, pumpkin picking, etc.) and Izzy had a fun time picking out pumpkins with daddy. Her favorite part of the trip was getting a red fireman's hat to add to her dress-up repertoire at home.
She liked this one best, I knew because she tried sitting on it...I guess to leave her mark :)
And finally, Mike saw this (above) piece of wall decor in the Pottery Barn catalog and wanted to replicate it. He spent Saturday in the garage cutting, painting, banging up the wood and assembling to create this:
His rendition is not square like the PB one is, and has colors that compliment our family room. This is now hanging above our leather couch, in the room right off the kitchen. It's such a fun piece...and didn't cost us $399 plus shipping! Mike actually had all the supplies and paint in his garage so it was FREE. My kind of price tag :)

While Mike was crafting in the garage and working in the yard, I spent a large portion of the weekend cleaning the house. My entire Keel side of the family is coming into town next weekend for my Great Aunt Jane's Memorial service. Lots of family staying with us and at a local hotel...and we're hosting Friday night dinner and Sunday brunch, so the house needed a good cleaning. The basement was the least amount of fun (this is Mike's "man cave" and office space), as it isn't cleaned nearly as often as the rest of the house. But the carpets being steam-vacc'ed was the most rewarding, as you get instant results from your cleaning! Love freshly steamed carpets!

We also finished the dining room-turned-toy room project. I bought several different storage pieces for all the toys, books and dress-up, so as the room looks organized and presentable instead of mass chaos. We are LOVING having our living room back to an adult space (there are still toys in here, but they are hidden in the armoire under the t.v.) and not cluttered with toys. Drove me crazy, constantly picking up/putting away (one of my faults, yes). Now the toys can be strewn throughout the toy room and it is out-of-sight, out-of-mind for me. I can handle that room being messy and not feel like I have to pick it up before I go to bed (like I had to in the living room). Was one of Mike's novel ideas that has transformed our house. He even brought in the Kangaroo Climber from outside (after cleaning it up) and Izzy just LOVES being able to play/climb on it indoors (thanks, Mom!). The winter will be lots more fun with so much to do in her new toy room (plus, the nanny is fired up for all the new play space, too!).

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Izzy's 2!!!

Izzy woke up to balloons, a tricycle and presents galore this morning...
She immediately threw aside the gifts and sat on her new Schwinn Roadster!
She loves her new cowgirl hat and galoshes from Grand Roo!
Attempting to learn how to ride the trike with daddy
So stinkin' cute!
We had a wonderful day celebrating Izzy's 2nd birthday today...we woke with gift opening (which was hilarious, as she tore through all the gifts - something we've never seen before...Christmas should be fun this year!), followed by a trip to the Children's Museum, a 3 hour snoozer, bike lessons, a long walk, and then lots of play time with her new toys. Was so much fun to celebrate Izzy's life. I did some quiet reflection and am overly grateful that she is a part of our lives. She is so boisterous and dramatic...she brings so much life and laughter to our house that we couldn't imagine our lives without her. Happy Birthday Izzy girl!