Sunday, July 18, 2010

All the Single Ladies...

Mike spent the past 3 days on his annual boys' baseball trip (Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincy) while the girls and I stayed home and did fun girlie things. I had Friday off and we spent the morning with Deanna & Connor at the zoo. It was a HOT one but we somehow managed to survive. D and Connor are old pros at the zoo, as they are members, so they showed us the ropes. I LOVE that D knew exactly where to go, what to see, and how quickly to do all of it. With (almost) 3 year olds, their attention span is we flew by some non-essential exhibits (snakes/desert) and ventured on to the more important ones (see pics). It really was my kind of visit - and we all loved it. Can home to some 4 hour naps!
Connor & Izzy looking at the sharks
Looking for Nemo (please note Izzy's accessories, which were her choice: two plastic fish rings, hair bow AND a head band with two piggies)
Deanna took both kiddos on the carousel (um, did I mention she is 29 weeks prego at the zoo with us in this heat!?!?)
Saturday morning Brenna came over at 7am to watch the girls while I got a long run in (thank heaven for girlfriends!!!). Then the girls and I went to the pool to meet Lori for swim lessons (I manned Laney Bug while Lori did lessons with Izzy Lou). We then spent a few hours swimming and hanging out. Lori and Izzy enjoyed the lazy river...and again, what would I do without such amazing girlfriends to get me through a weekend sans husband?! I'm so fortunate.

Saturday after naps we headed out to dinner at Chicl-Fil-A and some playtime in their toddler play area (we had to get the sillies out!). Sunday morning we woke up and headed out for breakfast and then a trip to Sam's Club. It was a bit overcast all day, but we still managed to squeeze in another trip to the pool. After naps we actually hung out at home and watched some movies and snuggled on the floor with some popcorn. We also managed to do some serious potty training all weekend and spent every minute at home in big girl undies. Here's to hoping some headway has been made! (We did get some ice cream - a very rare treat - on Saturday night b/c Izzy pooped on the potty!!!)

We REALLY miss Mike and are anxiously awaiting his return in a few minutes. The girls and I had a lot of fun; however, I'm not sure I could do this all the time. I have tremendous respect for single parents out there - this is some hard work! But I must say, being able to do 3 days (sort of) on my own is quite gratifying!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Birthday, pool, & a fish fry...

This was quite a busy weekend for us...felt like we were constantly on the go. Sometimes I just enjoy having nothing on the calendar, but this weekend I was pumped for every activity (minus my 12 miles on Saturday morning). Swim lessons Saturday morning followed by some time at the pool. You'd never know that we actually saw Jaime & Luke, as I forgot the camera (this is unlike me, as I average about 50-100 pictures a week!). But we did. See them, I mean. Very briefly (too briefly, in fact). Anyway, we went home for naps (while I snuck away for a hair appt and some quick shopping) and woke up to go to Christopher's 1st birthday party.

Was fun to spend the evening with good friends and good food. As I was saying goodbye to Katie I became choked up talking about how quickly the year has flown by for both of us. We both struggled with infertility for several years each, and now we have such blessings with our littles. I remember when we used to talk about fertility we talk about poop. Ha!
Laney Bug & Christopher
Playing with the birthday balloons
Mike & Bug
Laney looooves to swing!
Happy Birthday!
Another craft...I'm really enjoying making these!
Sunday morning while Laney napped & I did laundry and bathroom cleaning, Mike worked in the yard with Izzy (this is becoming their routine: Mike pulling weeds or watering the garden while Izzy tags along - super cute).
Mike stayed home to work more in the yard while the girls and I escaped to the pool. (I know some of you are thinking - and secretly judging - Izzy eating her apple sauce through a straw...this is what happens when I forget a spoon!)
Sunday evening Brenna & Scott had us over for a long-awaited fish fry. Brenna and I have a VP that has a lake house and her husband fishes...long story short, she gave some of their lake perch to Brenna and we decided we HAD to fry it up! When we arrived the girls were surprised to find a bouncer in the back fun! Izzy took to it immediately while Jack and Laney were a touch more hesitant. I'm hoping we can borrow it for Laney's birthday party, as it was such a hit!
Crawling; Laney's rendition of bouncing
Izzy bouncing while Jack looks on
We all enjoyed the deep fried fish (way to go, Scott & Mike) and were moving on to dessert when we noticed that Jack had a blow-out. Scott swifly scooped him upstairs to the bath and no sooner was the water running than Izzy announced that she pooped, too. Mike checked....yep, blowout. Cleaned her up and then Laney ALSO had one. Um, only a parent can appreciate this haltingly fast stop to a dinner party. It was comical to say the least, especially since we left their house with unclothed children. Here's to hoping we get invited back again!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July with the Tynans

Sunday morning we headed to Lake Tippy to do our annual 4th of July visit with the Tynans. I don't think we were there for more than 2 minutes before we got into our swimsuits and were in the water! We joined Aunt Nance, Big Joe, Andrew/Suzanne/Max, and Sam/Bridget/Luke/Maggie/Grace for lots and lots of festivities.
Izzy experienced her first water balloon (among many over the course of 48 hours). Do you not just LOVE Izzy's face? She is quite the drama queen and has hilarious facial expressions.
Laney Bug & mommy
Maggie & Grace putting on a dance recital
After dinner
Izzy experienced her first sparkler...
...and was simply enamored
Daddy & Izzy watching fireworks
The neighbors put up a huge jumbo-tron and play music videos...Izzy & Mags danced the night away
The crowd watching, complete with light-up cups
Izzy & Grace watching (and tuckered out - it was past 10 when they finally went to bed!)
We did lots of jumping
And the 4th wouldn't be complete without the putt-putt out back
Daddy just got back from playing 18 holes and then taught Izzy how to putt
Izzy also got to experience tubing for the very first time!
She loved everything except the sun in her eyes! She's such a big girl!
Enjoying a cold treat
Bathing in the lake
Heading in for a 4 hour nap!!! Love the lake, as it wears her out! PS-Another first for Izzy girl is that she slept in the kids' cold dorm on the bottom bunk! Again, BIG GIRL!
After naps and before dinner the kids watched Toy Story 2 on the big projection screen
Aunt Nance organized an impromptu parade after dinner...singing happy birthday to USA complete with flags
Of course more jumping!
How I miss this girl!!!!! Love her.
Sunday morning TURTLE HUNTING!!!
Izzy & Gracie girl on the lookout
Big Joe caught two!
Izzy posing with "Hairy" the turtle
Big Joe doing what he does best...snuggling with the babes
And we capped the 5 day vaca off with a pinata. Another first for Izzy (she's the one with the bat). I must say we had an absolute blast with the Tynans. Loved visiting and catching up. But loved even more watching our kids play together and become buddies. Wish this could have lasted another few days, but there's always next year! Happy 4th of July everyone!